Search results

  1. Will


    Oh my.
  2. Will

    BreachLAN 22: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

    I was sensible and slept in the hall ^_^
  3. Will

    BreachLAN 22 photos

    I'm buying you a crate of beer next LAN in exchange for my newwww facebook cover photo :3
  4. Will

    New staff member

    Don't look at me! I voted for Kodos!
  5. Will


  6. Will

    Boredlands 2

    Coob, I will have the steam backup available if you need it.
  7. Will

    Game(s) Borderlands 2 £22.50

    I am. Get it on PC.
  8. Will

    Game(s) Borderlands 2 £22.50

    Already pre-ordered off GameFly but this is a good deal.
  9. Will


    Good to know...
  10. Will

    A handy week off

    If you decide to come up the week beforehand, I would be well up for dinner one night. Or lunch. If you come up for Breach, I'll bring Lucius and some rope and we'll have a grand old time.
  11. Will

    Terrific Tuesdays

  12. Will

    While cable shopping this morning

    i would just like to thank scott for taking the bullet and asking what was funny i didnt know either
  13. Will

    Starcraft II Tournament @ B22

    For the record: I freaking rocked it.
  14. Will

    BreachLAN #22 Game Nominations

  15. Will

    BreachLAN #22 Game Nominations

    ib4 chair jousting
  16. Will


    So I logged into a server and got mauled by some zombies and died how does this game work do they ever stop chasing you D:
  17. Will

    Youtube Greats

    Seriously? No burger review yet? Oh my goodness, oh my dayum!
  18. Will

    One week left on the early bird

  19. Will

    Hardware selling a GPU

    i will offer 3 cans of mr pibb and and a solid reference
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