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  1. Skull


    So Inferno has hit, what does this mean? Here's a glance at CCP's list of overhauled stuff: Missiles + Launchers Graphics Updates War Dec Kill Mails Mercenaries Factional Warfare Character Creator Changes Unified Inventory Incursion Changes Effects Bar Various other UI changes All taken from...
  2. Skull

    Proving a point

    Never played Max Payne, so I would associate Bullet Time with the Matrix
  3. Skull


    Ok, the balrog pulled the dirty trick of Windows Updates while gandalf was migrating. This may take a bit longer than expected.
  4. Skull


    Gandalf now down for migration.
  5. Skull


    Please note that gandalf and the webserver have both now been scheduled to move.
  6. Skull

    Proving a point

    Action Man. No clue why, I think I think of an action figure from years ago that was similarly named XD
  7. Skull


    Mumble server move scheduled.
  8. Skull


    Original Post updated.
  9. Skull


    Hey Guys, Just to let you all know, we're migrating to new hardware currently. We're going to try and keep everything running as smooth as possible however during this migration various things may be a bit slower while the server we're currently on is sending stuff to the new server. We'll...
  10. Skull

    Mining Mondays

    Oops. Scratch that. I've found how to do it without needing the API key - you can get basic info publicly (without a key). If you go input your stuff again now to the API pages at then it will let you in now :)
  11. Skull

    Mining Mondays

    If you want to drop me a PM with your API stuff I could do it from Evemon and get it all done fairly quickly.
  12. Skull

    Mining Mondays

    Oooh, good question. Easiest is to use EveMon and go to Tools > API Tester then do a request to the CharacterInfo API Method.
  13. Skull

    Mining Mondays

  14. Skull

    Mining Mondays

    I would refer you to this post then: I haven't had anything through asking for an account to be activated yet. What username did you reg with?
  15. Skull

    Mining Mondays

    Sign into the forums, then go back to the API registration. If you're already signed into the forums, delete cookies, then repeat.
  16. Skull

    Mining Mondays

    Mark, I need BHI..'s CorpID number from your API to give you forum access again - the script that handles API things will instantly remove you if I manually add you to the usergroup.
  17. Skull

    Mining Mondays

    Not tonight, Hulkageddon. This week + next week off then back to normal :)
  18. Skull

    Youtube Greats

    Eve players, Enjoy: (Warning, Very NSFW language)
  19. Skull

    Company of Heroes :D

    You need one of the expansions for Operations yes. I can't remember which one at the moment
  20. Skull

    Gameserver Down

    And services are now restored :) Thanks for being patient guys :)
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