Thou Shalt Not Pass
Hey Guys,
Just to let you all know, we're migrating to new hardware currently. We're going to try and keep everything running as smooth as possible however during this migration various things may be a bit slower while the server we're currently on is sending stuff to the new server.
We'll try and give you guys warning in this thread with when the services will be down - it certainly won't be everything at once!
Done: - Alternate DNS server for the BreachLAN website (and other websites hosted with PK)
Firewall Server - Our firewall/NAT that's between Mumble & the internet
Mumble Server (
Saruman ( - hosts - RMLAN Jabber, Eve killboard, various other network services.
Game Server (
Webserver - hosts, clanpk, pkservers etc
In Progress
Scheduled / Next
I'll be online on Mumble & Steam during that move in case people need help. In the event that the usual mumble server is not available, the below alternative server will be up.
In event of the usual mumble being inaccessible there is an alternate server at port: 64738.
Skull (& Dex)
Just to let you all know, we're migrating to new hardware currently. We're going to try and keep everything running as smooth as possible however during this migration various things may be a bit slower while the server we're currently on is sending stuff to the new server.
We'll try and give you guys warning in this thread with when the services will be down - it certainly won't be everything at once!
Done: - Alternate DNS server for the BreachLAN website (and other websites hosted with PK)
Firewall Server - Our firewall/NAT that's between Mumble & the internet
Mumble Server (
Saruman ( - hosts - RMLAN Jabber, Eve killboard, various other network services.
Game Server (
Webserver - hosts, clanpk, pkservers etc
In Progress
Scheduled / Next
I'll be online on Mumble & Steam during that move in case people need help. In the event that the usual mumble server is not available, the below alternative server will be up.
In event of the usual mumble being inaccessible there is an alternate server at port: 64738.
Skull (& Dex)