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  1. Skull

    Pic thread

    One on the right (This photo, almost all the way through last lan's CSS tournie XD)
  2. Skull

    What a surprise! (not)

    Even if it wasn't selling so well, do you really think EA would care if they lost out on PC sales? With the way development has been going recently, it's starting to become pretty obvious which platforms they make the most money from, and seeing as the consoles are unaffected by Origin, they...
  3. Skull

    Anti virus freeware question

    It you're only willing to go for free software, then I would say the only other decent one out there is Avira. (Due to issues with recent updates in AVG I can not recommend it any more) However, if you are willing to splash out a little then I would say go get ESET Smart Security - It is...
  4. Skull

    Happy Birthday Husky!

    Happy Birthday Scottish Husky Hope it's a good one! :)
  5. Skull

    BreachLAN Saturday Night Pizza Order

    --Reserved for Order-- Pizza 1 Skull XXL Authentic Thin Crust The Big Smokey 2 Piglet XXL Authentic Thin Crust Hawaiian Special 3 Everlong XXL Original The Big Smokey 4 grogers126 XXL Authentic Thin Crust All The Meats 5 Deep Blue XXL Authentic Thin Crust All The Meats...
  6. Skull

    BreachLAN Saturday Night Pizza Order

    Hi Guys, You know the drill by now - We're using Papa Johns Pizza in Aberdeen - Menu can be found here In order to secure a nice discount for you guys along with delivery we really need everyone who has already paid to put down their pizza orders by the 11th of November in this thread! The...
  7. Skull

    Heating at the LAN

    Yes, it will be
  8. Skull

    Happy Birthday Socks for hands

    Happy (Belated?) Birthday Socks
  9. Skull

    Anyone from England planning on going?

    I'll get ya some beers too :D
  10. Skull

    Planned outage

    well if you want to come to Edinburgh just for a night out, let me know :P
  11. Skull

    Planned outage

    Hi All, Just to let you know, the forum might be temporarily unavailable on Friday Evening (Probably around 12) while Dex and I perform some maintenance work on the web server. I would expect this to be finished within an hour, although in reality it will probably be much less. We will be...
  12. Skull

    BreachLAN connection problems

    Can I ask, what ISP are you guys on, and what model routers do you have? Would just be interesting to know which ISPs have issues accessing our site
  13. Skull

    Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm trailer

    I'd have to agree with Knotty, I've not actually seen Blizzard not stick to a release date, I can't remember them changing any before. Sure, they take ages to announce it, but that's how they actually stick to it I guess
  14. Skull

    Drifting cats

    That's brilliant XD
  15. Skull

    Battle of Bel'shir is awesome

    Miiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllzzzzzz :D :D :D
  16. Skull

    Battle of Bel'shir is awesome

    Yeah, was a brilliant game there last night - More tonight??? :D :D
  17. Skull

    BreachLAN 19 : Game Nominations

    Second : League of Legends Second : DEFCON Pre-Emptive Second : CoD:MW3 (Providing they don't do an EA and restrict servers to certain providers)
  18. Skull

    If you can't take the heat....

    I've been hearing about this the last few days at work, one of the things they're not reporting on is that you actually have to sign a legal waiver before you can have any of the properly hot ones, because they can be so dangerous....
  19. Skull

    STEVE JOBS DIES!!! :( R I P x

    I'd almost agree there, I really didn't like Apple or their business tactics, but there is no denying that Steve Jobs was one of the best businessmen we've seen in a long time, in under 10 years taking Apple from being a small company with an almost cult following to becoming the second most...
  20. Skull

    problem here

    I know I don't play, but I know pseudophreak was having issues yesterday as well, so it was probably a microsoft problem
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