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  1. Skull

    Starcraft II guest key

    I have two spare ones
  2. Skull

    Hello All!

    Hey man, welcome to breachLAN :) Looking forward to gaming with you at some point :)
  3. Skull

    Happy Birthday Kris :)

    Happy Birthday :)
  4. Skull

    i7-950 price drop & Nvidia GTX580 Sounds good :D
  5. Skull

    Call of Duty:Black Ops

    This indeed. :D
  6. Skull

    PC Problems, please help

    I've heard of the onboard soundcard on the G35 causing problems, it could be the source.
  7. Skull

    Hello everyone!

    Hey man Welcome to breach :) There isn't a set time where we get together to play games and stuff, but there are usually people online on mumble (connection details here) who get games together in an evening :) If i'm not online on mumble, you can usually catch me on irc, I'm always in...
  8. Skull

    Massive Internet Outages in The Area

    Nah, Dundee, must be on holiday
  9. Skull

    Happy Birthday Scottish-Wolfsky !!!

    Happy Birthday man :D
  10. Skull

    Hey Folks

    Welcome to breachLAN :) Hope to see you at the next LAN :D
  11. Skull

    Dogfighter @ BreachLAN 16

    Yeah. I bought it monday night, played it last night and love it so far, will make sure we have a dedicated server for the LAN :D
  12. Skull

    Orange San Francisco

    I'm hopefully getting one for christmas. I really need a smartphone, all my phone does at the moment is thin.
  13. Skull

    Orange San Francisco MoDaCo forums have everything you need, including links to where to get unlock codes, and they have their own custom roms. Link above takes you directly to the forums for the ZTE Blade / Orange San Francisco
  14. Skull

    Pendulum - 10th December - Aberdeen

    Who else is going? I am going, along with my girlfriend and some friends, just wondering if anyone else from breach is going? ***Edit by gemini*** Meeting at the Pittodrie Bar on King Street @ 4pm for a pre-concert drink. Everyone welcome to join. Would be nice if you would let us know too so...
  15. Skull

    International caps lock day =)

    /me joins in and brings along some fire :D
  16. Skull

    Happy Birthday SwiftTempest

    Hope it's a good one dude, the big 21!
  17. Skull

    Wearable Sleeping bag

    They do look pretty epic... XD
  18. Skull

    CPU Cooling: How not to do it.

    Return of the loltemp :d
  19. Skull

    A new Breachlan Tradition

    Not changing it to that, but changing mine nonetheless :D
  20. Skull


    Holy crap. I didn't notice the date of the original post - I was wondering why the images weren't loading properly...
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