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  1. Skull

    A few questions

    Err. Last lan - 15 thank you very much =P
  2. Skull

    50% off THQ on Steam

    i need to do a re-install of my DoW games, as theyre installed on the HDD from windows XP, but they dont reckognise the others while in windows 7
  3. Skull

    50% off THQ on Steam

    I actually have DoW soulstorm on steam, because i have it on cd, and got the DoW2 beta, must download it at some point
  4. Skull

    EvE Online - The Butterfly Effect

    That is ace :D If only my ship went as fast XD
  5. Skull

    System build advice please!

    I can vouch that a 295 will not be able to run on a 500W - my 8800GT card wants 500W, and its a single slot card, and quite a lot less powerful than the 295, youre gonna need a bigger psu to handle the 295.
  6. Skull

    System build advice please! ought to point you in the right direction madman
  7. Skull

    Pub Lunch - Aberdeen - Sat 1st August 2009

    Its ok, you have a different contender this time!
  8. Skull

    Doodle Defender - Draw your ship and blast away

    epic win!
  9. Skull

    Michael Jackson Dead :O

    Cough Cough Gary Glitter Cough Cough
  10. Skull

    Battlefield 1943

    I'll Drink To That!
  11. Skull

    Pub Lunch - Aberdeen - Sat 1st August 2009

    1. Dex 2. gemini 3. Kris 4. ZeroG 5. Dave 6. ScottishDragon 7. $ku1!
  12. Skull

    Neotokyo Source

    Will be on when i get back tonight, if download is finished. luckily am away after parents go out, but will be home first, so i can leave the dl running :D am just grateful that its < 1GB
  13. Skull

    iPhone 3Gs Jailbroken

    not long now tho til he releases one too tbh
  14. Skull

    iPhone 3Gs Jailbroken iPhone 3Gs jailbreak - from geohot
  15. Skull

    Neotokyo Source

    Well, at least you can run minimal linux servers - no gui, no nothing apart from what it is serving and ssh!
  16. Skull

    Neotokyo Source

    Windows Server Files to come out sometime today apparently.
  17. Skull

    Neotokyo Source

    Ok, spam the refresh buttons on friday til i can download, check! looks fracking mezzin
  18. Skull

    Pirate Bay Sold

    All i can say is that this is going to be interesting...
  19. Skull

    Pub Lunch - Aberdeen - Sat 20th June

    oh god, why did i guess that sion would have tried, and gz on completing it :P
  20. Skull

    Circle The Cat

    ok, i can see that one becoming horribly addictive might be playing that almost as much as i play Tetris on
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