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  1. Skull

    Pub Lunch - Aberdeen - Sat 20th June

    OK, who was the greedy pig to have that whole grail of ice cream to himself :P
  2. Skull

    All aboard.....

    Yes Dave, It should be.
  3. Skull


    Only cause the picture says "1336 zombies were harmed in the making of this Film"
  4. Skull


    Oh rite, i thought i was going to sound dumb if i suggested l4d, its not a film...
  5. Skull


    Which film was that dave?
  6. Skull

    Black 16GB iPhone 3G For Sale!!!!! Ultrasn0w for os3 (iPhone 3G only atm, not 3Gs)
  7. Skull

    The Stig Revealed!!!!

    Bull tbh.
  8. Skull

    America's Army 3 Comes to Steam with Steamworks

    Oh God... XD
  9. Skull

    America's Army 3 Comes to Steam with Steamworks

    You have seen his dick, and compared it to yours? Blimey...
  10. Skull

    America's Army 3 Comes to Steam with Steamworks

    How big is the download roughly?
  11. Skull


    Trying to run a chkdsk on someones hard drive...
  12. Skull

    Pub Lunch - Aberdeen - Sat 20th June

    Error: Witty reply not found
  13. Skull


    Ok, if the internet is broken, how did you post that there. and also: My windows 7 says there is nothing wrong with the internet. you must have a faulty copy :P
  14. Skull

    Wwdc live stream!!!

    I Like the sound of the american pricing - iphone 3g from 99$ Lets hope o2 do something similar!
  15. Skull

    Left 4 Dead 2

    so, a group trying to boycott valve, using a valve product? am I the only one who thinks that in itself is a bit fail?
  16. Skull


    You had this one coming to you for that zero :P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _________ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ./ It’s a trap! \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _,,,--~~~~~~~~--,_ . . . .\ ._________/ . . . . ...
  17. Skull

    I turn 24...

    You, not even reached 20, Me, not even reached 16 XD
  18. Skull

    I turn 24...

    Happy Birthday Dave! :)
  19. Skull

    Priceless YouTube Video [Swear Warning]

    ohh, didnt see that XD
  20. Skull

    Priceless YouTube Video [Swear Warning]

    You Counted it?
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