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  1. Skull

    Post Your Gamertag :)

    Steam - thebigredbutton xfire - thebigredbutton Live Gamertag (not going to say xbox because i dont have one) - The Real Sku11 Playstation Network ID - thebigredbutton
  2. Skull

    21st Birthday Night Out

    meh, at least it wasnt vista, i think that it would have been worse, presuming that there could be a worse from what there already was... XD
  3. Skull

    21st Birthday Night Out

    LOL why would anyone use wmp for actually playing music?!?!?!? was he on winblows vista as well?
  4. Skull

    Post Your Gamertag :)

    speak only for yourself there please casti :D
  5. Skull

    Fibre Diet

    oh god its worse than i thought...
  6. Skull

    Fibre Diet

    and whats that meant to mean casti
  7. Skull

    The Steam Holiday sale!

    well, 10% now, with 19.8 KB/s XD Lucky sod Dave
  8. Skull

    The Steam Holiday sale!

    well, hopefully the download will be ~ 700MB, as i was watching mine up to 1% and this was about 7mb, so hopefully the whole thing should be ~700Mb only thing is my speed i am getting - 25KB/s roughly, has been at around 8KB/s for a while though :( and only peaked at 38KB/s
  9. Skull

    The Steam Holiday sale!

    where do you get the dow II beta from, cause i got soulstorm over the hols, and have been looking for the beta for a while now edit, just found it, but how big is it, do you know?
  10. Skull

    Welcome SwiftTempest

    this sounds as if its going to be a great first breachLAN to go to XD
  11. Skull

    What i aspire to.....

    nice sellotape on the speakers holding them to the posts XD
  12. Skull


    look, im a 15 year old boy, not a 5 year old girl, go away pedobear
  13. Skull

    Games List?

    as i have said before, that is why it still says prism in your signature (its even the first name on it)
  14. Skull


    OH SHI- is this a trap im walking into, with car boots in my future?
  15. Skull

    Please read! Urgent!

    even in the big double stuff packs?
  16. Skull

    Please read! Urgent! also, could i order a pack of these please :D
  17. Skull

    Breachlan journey to i36

    hmm, interested i will speak to the heads of state after bl this year cause it depends on when im away over the summer too
  18. Skull

    Please read! Urgent!

    ill give the normal jolt a shot, from what i have heard, it tastes good. never actually had any as for quantity, i reckon 2 cans will do it
  19. Skull

    Breachlan journey to i36

    i would be interested, but i dont know about april this year, as i have exams in may and by april i will probably have books so high around me i wont be able to get to my pc :(
  20. Skull

    Windows 7 hmmm.

    not a roumour, its true!!
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