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  1. Castiana

    [NSFW] Things Yoda Would Say In Bed I lol'd HARD.
  2. Castiana

    BreachLAN Steam Group!

    Hey all, As some of you know, we have a Steam Group! Come join in the BreachLAN game nights by joining the group! Cheers, - Sion
  3. Castiana

    BreachLAN's Official 2010 thread! No Seriously!

    If you don't believe me, check the ThreadID in the address bar!!
  4. Castiana

    typo has resulted in a girl thinking we are dating. help One of my fav replies: you got free pizza..... failing to see the issue here
  5. Castiana

    Gemini + Facebook + Gemini's mum, epic win thread!/profile.php?id=100000883192918&v=wall&story_fbid=135209153183374&ref=notif&notif_t=feed_comment_reply Or, see the screenie Blitz took. Altho you must read the full "topic" linked above.
  6. Castiana

    Crucial Sponsors BreachLAN!

    Evening Chaps! Crucial have officially decided to sponsor us! There donating some RAM and sending us a "LAN Pack"! If your looking for new RAM for your PC, please support BreachLAN and click Crucial's banner on the website! It's not to late to attend BreachLAN #15! Click here to pay for...
  7. Castiana

    How to make a gamer happy I lol'd. Hard. I'm also extatic that we have dedi servers back.
  8. Castiana

    How NOT to ask for photoshop help
  9. Castiana

    CrackLAN #1

    Ello all, Just a spur of the moment type thing. I'll be holding a "mini" LAN at my place on the 16th to the 17th of June. Think of it as a pre-DrumLAN lan! Only a few spaces available. Whisper/MSN/Steam/Xfire me for more details! 1) Cracktana 2) Crackenini
  10. Castiana

    RAM Swap

    Lo all, It appears that the RAM I bought for my new system is no longer on the QVL (Qualified Vendor List). My board wont take all 12GB of it, it only see's 8GB. If anyone would be interested, I'd like to do a RAM swap. 12GB of my RAM -...
  11. Castiana

    FAO: ScottishDragon

    Saw this and thought of you: - edit - meh... vB 3.x doesent support native video embedding....
  12. Castiana

    Possible the best TV commercial in existance

    The most awesome commercial in existence.
  13. Castiana

    Tonight: CoD4 GunGame - 9pm GMT

    Lo all, Now that I've finally got my CoD4 GG server working, i suggest we play a few rounds! Date & Time: Tonight, 9pm Server IP: or Don't worry about the mod, you're client will automatically download it from my server! Hope to see you all on there...
  14. Castiana

    Weird Problems with Frame Rates

    Lo all, Perhaps you lot can think of something i cant. Now, in a 25 man raid in ICC (World of Warcraft), i drop down to less than 5 fps. I've also changed ALL the graphics settins to low or off. I've checked drivers, reinstalled the OS, moved to windows 7 x64 from xp x86. I've litterly...
  15. Castiana

    Trojan succesfully hacks Authenticator Protected Accounts

    This is taken from MMO Champion. Thought it's worth posting here in case people don't check that site often. A new virus spawned on the internet a few days ago and seems to be the first trojan capable of hacking a WoW account protected by an Authenticator. It was confirmed by Blizzard a few...
  16. Castiana

    Steam Update: UI 2010 Looks very nice i gotta atmit.
  17. Castiana

    Mass Effect 2

    Who's got it? Who's getting it? What do you think so far? Spill ^^
  18. Castiana

    Star Trek: Online

    Ello all, Anyone else have beta access to STO? Its a brilliant game, very well balanced, awesome graphics! Here's a pic of the login screen, the sexiest login screen I've ever seen.
  19. Castiana

    Google ftw? yay?
  20. Castiana

    SG:U - Time To Fap.

    Start Fapping.
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