Search results

  1. sirflukesalot

    cheap sniper

    for those of us that have limited budgets this plus theses two videos to get it working all in all after this quick fix you end up with a decent rifle for £50 two toned
  2. sirflukesalot

    iron man 3

    Hey guys would anyone like to meet up to go see iron man 3 at the weekend? I can post times and whatnot a bit later when im on a proper comp was just wonderingbif there was any interest?
  3. sirflukesalot

    left4dead crossover

    Its been announced that left4dead and resident evil will be crossing over with the survivors and some of the special infected moving to resident evils online mercenary mode and several special infected from resident evil will be hopping over to left4dead 2 I cant link the pages as im on my phone...
  4. sirflukesalot

    Steam Deal WINTER SALE

    Winter sale is now here protect your wallets !
  5. sirflukesalot

    Happy Birthday!

    have a wonderful birthday piglet :)
  6. sirflukesalot

    Happy Birthday!!

    happy birthday michael corrigan!
  7. sirflukesalot


    what joysticks would you lot recommend im getting one for flying jets in bf3 planetside etc. was looking at the saitek cyborg F.L.Y.5 but want to know if there is any better ones for the same price amazon page for the cyborg joystick...
  8. sirflukesalot

    planetside 2

    hey guys was wondering if anyone was planning to play this since as its F2p and looks like a Massive futuristic bf3 style game with added bombers, jetpacks and exo suit things? and its on steam rather than a seperate launcher thing like LoL or mechwarrior ill put a video here when i get home
  9. sirflukesalot


    i am going to see skyfall on monday evening(29th) after college not decided on a time yet but i get to the city centre for about 5:15 (bus take forever to get back from altens) so any time after that works times are 5:10pm/7:30pm/8:00pm what do you guys think? also unless someone would want to...
  10. sirflukesalot

    Miner wars 2081

    now first of all its NOT LIKE MINECRAFT right now thats out the way i would like to suggest a few of us try this and here is a random bloke playing it however i couldnt find very many good gameplay clips so: its looks promising what do you guys think? its on steam greenlight atm...
  11. sirflukesalot

    time wasting tuesday

    Well breach was at the weekend and now the power at work is out and has been for the past hour and a half is anyone up to anything interesting?
  12. sirflukesalot


    who has it and who wants to play it tonight?
  13. sirflukesalot

    Hardware selling a GPU

    im selling my AMD asus HD 7750 for £75 i can bring it to the next breach no problem
  14. sirflukesalot

    a video that may be of interest to league of legend players here

    please notice the name of the tristana im sure a few of you will recognise it
  15. sirflukesalot

    Anyone want a fully working mech? well then..... its yours for only $1.35million! bargain! now....imma gonna go bulk buy lottery tickets
  16. sirflukesalot

    Happy B'day binky

    hope you have a great day
  17. sirflukesalot

    Happy birthday Tyr

    have a good one :)
  18. sirflukesalot

    Photos/video thread

    post all yer pics and videos here ill get things started with the only photo that has any quality whatsoever that i took due to lack of light do with it what you will =P
  19. sirflukesalot

    people counter thing incorrect?

    i was looking at the seat map etc when i noticed according to the side bar thing on the home page that an incorrect number of people paid/pending etc. was being displayed(i think). I looked at the participant tab on "next event" and counted 22 paid with 2 pending and the sidebar app said 20 paid...
  20. sirflukesalot

    So...this is a thing

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