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  1. NiceGuy

    BreachLAN #9 Cancelled

    Unbelievable, breachLAN is shocking. I thought you'd already decided to "inject some more interest" after the previous LAN, and there was a few ideas mentioned at that point, I even remember sitting down and talking about it. Anyway, gutted I love breachLAN when it actually goes ahead! Even...
  2. NiceGuy

    BL9 Games List

    COUNTER STRIKE:SOURCE please!!! I full on love this game!! I never get to play it on LAN!
  3. NiceGuy

    Shameless self promotion

    Cheers dex! Might be adding Affiliate link back to Breach Lan, should i get payed for that? ^^
  4. NiceGuy

    Shameless self promotion

    Hey everyone, sorry if there are rules on this, but i looked, and could not see any. I have been working on a new website. A gaming community infact. You are all very welcome to come and register and take part in the discussion. Game reviews are written by our members and put up on the...
  5. NiceGuy

    Post up your pictures!

    won again :D
  6. NiceGuy

    Games @ Breachlan 8

    Counter Strike Source Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
  7. NiceGuy

    Post up your pictures!

    me and tass dare you to beat it
  8. NiceGuy


    hahaha, yeah listen to mullet, just man up you bunch of girl guides haha!
  9. NiceGuy


    Yeh, get me in on this Pinje bro
  10. NiceGuy

    Games of Breachlan

    CSS ofc
  11. NiceGuy

    tournament suggestions

  12. NiceGuy

    tournament suggestions

    There is no guarantee i would win at all, my mate OD-Tassadar is here this time, he stands a chance... Besides! -> Doesn't that Zer0 guy win every single UT tournament? You still play that!
  13. NiceGuy

    tournament suggestions

    Hey, here's a new idea -have a counter strike source tourney, it's intense!!
  14. NiceGuy

    tournament suggestions

    Counter Strike Source... ^_^
  15. NiceGuy

    tournament suggestions

    It was THE game of the LAN last time. O_o Please put in CSS! It's a main reason i come to BreachLAN.
  16. NiceGuy

    tournament suggestions

    Counter Strike:Source
  17. NiceGuy

    BreachLAN #7 - November 30 - Dec 2nd 2007

    Wooooooot! :lol:
  18. NiceGuy

    Post LAN Thoughts

  19. NiceGuy

    Post LAN Thoughts

    Great LAN, big big thank's too all the staff! and gamers who showed up :)^_^ Prism you are so right when you said you thought the UT and Risk II were the best, epic both in completely different ways. CSS was ofc a huge part of the enjoyment for me ;) Hope i can win something through it next...
  20. NiceGuy

    Lan Order of Big Games

    Baha, remember last time, man i was drunk ^_^ Yeh fair enough sakey.
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