Haven't had this much fun at a LAN since I can't remember when
5 hr games of sins
Blitz lending me a laptop so I could actually go
Lots of people came
Got the pizza I ordered!
LAN seemed to have a lot of different stuff going on this time
chair jousting
Security was my main concern before coming out to my first LAN too but in the couple of years I've been going to BreachLAN now I've never had anything stolen or known anyone else to have anything stolen at a BreachLAN (can't make promises about other LANs because this is the only one I go to)...
Awwwwww jeahhh.
Time to reform the prize winning CS:S team methinks sincakes? I too will be buying a ticket in a couple of days when I get paid. I'll be buying a shitload of PC parts so I actually have something to take to the LAN too!
I have no idea how you manage it Dave. I saw a really nice monitor sitting in the electronics disposal area at my local tip, I was sorely tempted but there was no way I was getting it out of there without the dump workers noticing!
I had considered Virgin but (Surprise!) they don't offer the fiber optic here. I had also briefly thought about sky for the TV deal but according to Dave you're stuck with the router they give you and it's crap...
Zen and plusnet are two options I hadn't even considered. Whats good about Zen?
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