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  1. SocksFoHands

    Processor for sale

    EDIT 2: SOLD Finally gotten round to buying a new processor so I'm selling the old one. It's still a fairly decent piece of kit, more than good enough for a lan PC anyone's thinking of making. It's an Extreme X9650 quad core 3.00 GHz. If anyone here feels like making me a decent offer for...
  2. SocksFoHands

    Cities XL £0.99 @ Steam.

    Still a crap game though no matter how much they drop the price.
  3. SocksFoHands

    Keyboard mastery

  4. SocksFoHands

    STEVE JOBS DIES!!! :( R I P x

    So that's how you get cancer? :P
  5. SocksFoHands

    DrumLAN #9

    Surely it can't be that hard to get off an oil rig?
  6. SocksFoHands

    DrumLAN #9

    Oh god, someone else please sign up to this! Husky proved seven man lans are made of fail...
  7. SocksFoHands

    Portal 2 OST.... FREE (Legal)

    Yaaaaaaaay turret opera!!!
  8. SocksFoHands

    Battlefield 3

    I don't know about you but I'm surprised! =O (not.) :P
  9. SocksFoHands

    DrumLAN #9

    Lol, these things fill up quicker and quicker each time.
  10. SocksFoHands

    Planning suggestion

    Not true at all. You could have put another meter of space between each of the desks and there would still have been more than enough space for people to sleep in the hall. Well over half the space ended up being unused last time. I do realize cabling and such is a consideration though, if...
  11. SocksFoHands

    DrumLAN #9

    Oh yeah ninja'd this one. Sign me up.
  12. SocksFoHands

    Planning suggestion

    Not a bad idea that. Not like we're usually stuck for space.
  13. SocksFoHands

    HuskyLAN 2

    Been in mine too I think... :P Hey just thought, you couldn't grab grogers while you're at it? He wouldn't be able to call you cooby newb anymore if he owed you one! XD
  14. SocksFoHands

    HuskyLAN 2

    No decent shops nearby I take it?
  15. SocksFoHands

    HuskyLAN 2

    under duress I am now signing up for husky lan
  16. SocksFoHands

    DrumLAN# 8

    Great lan Dave, sorry bout all the dishes! XD
  17. SocksFoHands

    why hello good ladies and Gents

    Only because you never play 1v1 lol.
  18. SocksFoHands

    why hello good ladies and Gents

    Remember the enthusiastic amateurs I talked about? This dude isn't one of them. He'll steamroll all of us. XD
  19. SocksFoHands

    new avatar

    Why piglet...? Why?
  20. SocksFoHands

    new avatar

    Not that kind of furry knotty...
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