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  1. Gbot_ADR

    LFM: Torchlight 2

    Since I got Torchlight 2 back in September, I've sunk lot of time into it, even reaching Act 3 on Veteran difficulty at the last LAN :D Thing is, at the time of release it was overshadowed by Borderlands 2 getting released at the same time. This has led to a disappointing lack of Breach members...
  2. Gbot_ADR

    BreachLAN 23: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

    Good Lots of new folks at the LAN the Pizza! (though might order something spicier next time) Cake and biscuits are always appreciated Prop hunt meeting some who didn't make it to my previous LAN experience Werewolves and other late night games I got to Act III of Torchlight 2! Bad Nobody...
  3. Gbot_ADR

    The Cupcake Assassin!!!

    would it be too late to ask for a £5 chocolate cake? if it is don't worry, I'll just wait until the LAN and buy a piece of whatever's there
  4. Gbot_ADR


    I've placed my order a couple days ago, just simple cheese/tomato so I know i'll remember it and can be sure i'll eat it all.
  5. Gbot_ADR

    BreachLAN #23 Game Poll

    where do I find the actual poll then? is there part of the forums I'm missing?
  6. Gbot_ADR

    BreachLAN #23 Game Poll

    Would love to see some more Rockband action. Otherwise some more air buccaneers and UT04 please
  7. Gbot_ADR

    BreachLAN 22: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

    The Good: First time Lan meeting mumble folks plus some more the events; TF2, L4D, Air Bucaneers, UT04, Risk... Having loads of fun with people and of course Rockband The Bad: My voice after Rockband... my shockingly bad L4D skills I didn't have some games that most were playing in between the...
  8. Gbot_ADR

    Hello from a Posh Robot

    Hello, My name's Alec. Friends/acquaintances with Skull and Sir Flukes Alot irl. Thought I'd register and say Hi. I have most of my games on Steam (godsmasherbot), but i'm frequently playing League of legends. Currently running on a laptop and job-hunting so as to save up for a newer pc...
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