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  1. Blackice

    Video Games do NOT cause Violence

    Watch that, then pass it on to everyone you know.
  2. Blackice

    Company of Heroes Movie

    So that his happening.....
  3. Blackice

    Rooting Android

    So I know that at least some of you out there have Android and then a few of those have rooted it, anyone recommend a specific firmware to install, been looking at CyanogenMod, any other good ones?
  4. Blackice

    Contour ROAM 2

    If anyone is interested, Contour are doing a competition on facebook for you and a friend to win one of their new cameras, perfect for Airsofting, Paintball, Snowboard or just having fun with, well worth a sign up :) CONTOUR - ContourROAM2 Giveaway | Facebook
  5. Blackice

    TAKEDOWN! Old school tactical shooter, FOR YOU!

    Some of you may remember me (went to a LAN a while ago) and see me around on facebook, some may be all "who the fuck is this" :p But anyways, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE donate what you can and spread the word about this around! Please please please PLEASE Pledge what you can. This is what WE WANT...
  6. Blackice

    Buying headphones, any tips?

    Am in the proccess of choosing and buying some new headphones, not computerspecific ones, just standerd 3.4mm minijack ones. Am looking to spend 50-100 pounds.
  7. Blackice


    Anyone know a good way to bypass the web filter at my work?
  8. Blackice

    Burnout:Paradise City FREE!!! Click that link
  9. Blackice

    So much WIN so LITTLE time :)

    Thought some of you might appreciate this :)
  10. Blackice


    I nerdgazmed, then it said 3D
  11. Blackice

    4min33 for xmas no1 I have been planning on doing this for a few months, looks like it is really getting some momentum now!
  12. Blackice

    Fallout is GaGa?
  13. Blackice

    Black Ops SP Save delete....

    So just started up Black Ops SP to complete another mission or two, and it seems to have deleted all my progress. The 'Resume Game' button has vanished, when I click 'Mission Select' it only has first mission and under the 'Intel' tab it claims I have found nothing. Anyone heard of this...
  14. Blackice

    Fairy lights? Meh. This is what you want! Quite epic imo :)
  15. Blackice

    Beard or scruffy?

    The ultimate question, should I let it grow out so I have a smooth beard for the event. Or shave on Friday before coming out and up with a scruffy bum effect on the go?
  16. Blackice

    Call of Duty:Black Ops

    Who else has bought it/is planning on buying it? Don't know if it will have LAN capabilities but could def have some fun with online/zombie mod :p (Also the coop missions)
  17. Blackice

    Scott Pilgrim vs The World

    Is it possible to squeeze any more awesome into a movie?
  18. Blackice

    PC Problems, please help

    So basically two+ weeks ago I bought a new case (partly because I wanted a new one and partly coz my old one was falling to bits), With the help of a mate we quickly and easily transferred my computer hardware over no problem. However since this day I have been having seriously bad crashes...
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