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  1. D

    We has interwebs!

    I have managed to wrestle with vodafone to allow me to use my phone as a gateway to all that is the interwebs. The reason I've done this is for the benefit of the Killing Floor Tourney I intend to run so that we can use and continue to level our previous perks. There is a fair usage policy...
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    Deadbox Incoming!

    hey guys I've got a deadbox being sent up from my parents ETA tomorrow. Before I discover how much is damaged or needs replacing I have a quick question is it possible to use DDR2 memory in a DDR3 board? As the most likely culprit for this deadbox is the following Graphics Card...
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    Borderlands So far

    So how you guys finding Borderlands so far? So far I've found single player to be a wee bit easy, whereas the multiplayer version much harder for seemingly very little gains. I think this might mostly stem from trying to fight stuff that is just too many levels above us. Also Second Wind abuse...
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    is there a list anywhere of stuff that I really SHOULD pre-load before getting through the door? So far I've got a fresh Vista install with nothing but Steam and Killing Floor! Will prolly do TF2 install this weekend. but anything else I MUST have?
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    Killing Floor Glitch and Tricks

    Wots of Wonga: Complete a round as medic, get to trader and buy and drop as many MP7M's as you can, with level 6 perk each gun's cost is £90. Once you are out of cash/bored change perks to whatever you wish. NOW people can pick up the MP7M's and sell each for £2250, people need to WAIT until the...
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    Killing Floor Suicidal TONIGHT!

    I propose Suicidal Standard Maps as many peeps as we can get. I should be home and alive ready to play from 6-6:30 but I've just done a reinstall of vista so might have teething issues See you all there 1.Dioxin 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
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    Killing Floor BreachLan Tournament:

    Killing Floor BreachLan Tournament: I would like to propose a tourney for Killing Floor. Just need to work on format: So here are my suggestions: Difficulty Setting:Suicidal Measure of Success: Team Kill Count over the standard maps(need to submit screenshots of best final scores) Team Size...
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