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  1. gemini

    Bowling trip tonight.

    I know it's short notice, but, 9pm tonight me and Alison are going for a few games of bowling / pool / drinks. Anyone and everyone welcome to join. :)
  2. gemini

    A new Unreal Tournament? - Nexuiz This game, definitely appears to take off from where UT2k4 left off. Watch the video. I think it has a LOT of potential to be very VERY good.
  3. gemini

    BreachLAN 20 : Official Games List

    Here is the FINAL official games list for BreachLAN 20. Made up of your nominations, quite a few new titles have found their way onto the list as well as the usual classics. Please try to have as many of these games installed and patched as possible. Don't worry about if you don't have them...
  4. gemini

    B20 : Rock Band / Guitar Hero - Can you help ?

    Following the extremely entertaining Battle of the Rock Bands at BreachLAN 18, we're going to run it again. Playing rock band with a proper sound system, stage lights, strobe, smoke machine, proper microphone, multiple massive screens, the whole package. To do this though, we need your help...
  5. gemini

    Need Graphics Card

    Ok I'm in the process of setting up one of my machines for Pru to use at LAN. But I'm stuck for a graphics card. It needs to be "good enough". And not a lot else. The power supply I have is a reasonable quality 400W job so it can't run anything too powerful. But if it can run our usual list of...
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