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  1. coob

    Why do schools have such a good connection :O Bloody speedin :P New results;,,,
  2. coob

    BreachLAN does TF2?!?

    PLEASE READ THE BELOW FOR UPDATES!!! Here are some links to the rules for those interested in the highlander league and general Q/A AMAZING!?! Not, anyway was thinking bout gathering a...
  3. coob

    Processer + Motherboard

    Originally was going to keep for my LAN PC, but since i have come upon hard times need the money more; Selling a AMD Athlon II X3 450 3.2Ghz 1.5Mb total Cache, socket AM3 (w/ used heatsink if you want) original packing and manual could be dug out (i hoard boxes) going for around £70-£100 on...
  4. coob

    Memory Management

    Right, my RAM has been unstable for a whille now :/ getting the "memory management" BSOD quite frequently After researching this and getting shitty remarks on other forums (i Dont believe "your mom is the problem" and "YoR RaM SUx Get 24gb wit sex radars" are considered answers) so i HAVE...
  5. coob

    BreachLAN connection problems

    Ok, so i had problems 24/10/2011 connecting to anything to do with breachlan; Minecraft Mumble server Both me and Everlong have had this problem, both fixed the exact same way; Flushing DNS Changing the preferred DNS server to 8 . 8 . 8 . 8 and the...
  6. coob


    Guess I couldn't be bothered but as you may or may not know I am Coob. Infamous for; Magika Scout + heavy TF2 Running away from teh ginge :P My BSOD happy PC and the fact it tried to open everthing with vuze..... Apart from that, probably my voice activated mic :P So I am coob, noob, from a...
  7. coob


    New monitor and case :)
  8. coob


    One thing I would say is when I was looking around for Scottish LAN's (YAY for google!) and found that there weren't too many videos, maybe I missed other ones on other sites, but I think more gameplay and maybe a intro to the group on the youtube channel? just to show what we do and how :P thanks
  9. coob

    Free to play games on steam!

    The following are available on steam for FREEEEEEE Champions online, alliance valiant arms, global agenda, spiral knights, forsaken world Just a heads up people!
  10. coob

    Sumotori? anyone?

    Anyone EVER heard of this game? ^That^ is some of the funniest shiz i have seen in a VERY long time y'all :P ENJOY!
  11. coob

    External HDD?

    Just wondering what this is used for? I presume an ordinary HDD would do (laptop)
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