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  1. Amesy

    Flatout 3: Chaos and Destruction

    I'm eager to find out if it's worth getting yet or not too.
  2. Amesy


  3. Amesy

    Computer/gaming station Pics

    Dave you've seen the majority of my wallpapers and you know damn well that yes it could get far more NSFW.
  4. Amesy

    Computer/gaming station Pics

    Finally got round to taking a snap of My Gaming area. Nothing interesting, but it's home :)
  5. Amesy

    aberdeen xmas lights fail

    Hope everyone up there wasn't effected by the wind and everyone's houses are still intact.
  6. Amesy


    Damn, Dave beat me to it. Snow is not frozen rain. Frozen rain is hail. Snow is frozen moisture in the air so it can be as cold as it can possibly be as long as the humidity is high, it will snow.
  7. Amesy


    Tell that to Siberia!
  8. Amesy


    Nothing here in "Landan"! but north Yorkshire's got it really heavy.
  9. Amesy

    One word story

  10. Amesy

    Youtube Greats

    HOW YOU DO DAT???????
  11. Amesy

    A wee thank you to our donators

    Thank you guys for providing said services and for never failing to work your (In some cases, considerably well seen) Asses off to make sure we always receive a first rate service, no matter what. I've seen first hand only a minute amount of what is involved in setting up and maintaing what you...
  12. Amesy

    December is here already???

    I hear ya, Dave. The Autumn Sale couldn't leave without forcing me to buy Rage and the Overlord series, The Christmas Sale is always more appealing... It's going to be a bastard.
  13. Amesy


    I'm looking for PC8500. I say looking... more like entertaining the though of considering it.
  14. Amesy

    Youtube Greats
  15. Amesy

    One word story

  16. Amesy

    Sooo who hasn't got LAN death then?

    Ah the good ole Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster! I hope you've got a Towel at hand to help you there, Dave?
  17. Amesy

    Bring your own joystick

    Oh the joys of youth. In and Out again in the time it takes to blink.... Soon you'll learn to time your time and savour the moment..... This applies to other things too.
  18. Amesy

    English Branch Social

    I believe Amesy had already baptised it as "The Swedish Passion Wagon" Long before any of you..... so NERR :P
  19. Amesy


    Is the Corsair Dominator DDR2 by any chance, Binky?
  20. Amesy

    So I heard you like minecraft....
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