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  1. Amesy

    Pic thread

    Another, more recent one of me and the misses
  2. Amesy

    Pic thread

    From Left to right: Dex, Me and Hexxy
  3. Amesy

    Whats the best way to make a photograph's file size smaller?

    Office Picture Manager also has a re-size option,
  4. Amesy

    funny videos lol

    you did well........ O.o
  5. Amesy

    Happy Birthday Socks for hands

    Also, when Life gives you Melons...... you may be dyslexic.
  6. Amesy

    What a surprise! (not)

    I've been sleeping in that dirty bed for ages and I'm loving it. The sex is great I might add. At the end of the day, I don't use pirated games so EA have nothing on me.
  7. Amesy


    Linky no worky there Dex. required to login
  8. Amesy

    Anti virus freeware question

    LOL. It took me a while the first time I had to renew it too. Avast has never failed me and It's Silent/Gaming mode is handy to say the very least. ;)
  9. Amesy

    Happy Birthday Husky!

    Sorry it's late, but Happy Birthday dude. Hope you had an awesome day.
  10. Amesy

    Memory Management

    Did you try running the PC on just 1 stick of RAM at a time? if one works take it out and stick the next one in? (I didn't fully read your post... I'm sorry) That's my first step when I suspect memory issues.
  11. Amesy

    Anti virus freeware question

    What's wrong with Avast? It's been the best one that I've found for years now. And I think Dex would agree with me too.
  12. Amesy

    Zombie Gaming Night on Halloween

    I've drawn the graveyard shift for all this week so it looks like I won't be able to join you guys... which is a crying shame as I was really looking forward to some L4D2 Hardcore action tonight. :( Hope you all have a spooktactular time.... teh LOLz
  13. Amesy

    Anyone from England planning on going?

    I love you guys, but I'm a still gonna have to pass. I promise I'll do one next year.
  14. Amesy

    Happy Birthday Socks for hands

    Happy Birthday dude.
  15. Amesy

    BreachLAN connection problems

    I'm seeing a talk talk pattern going on here
  16. Amesy

    Anyone from England planning on going?

    Honestly dude, nothing would make me happier than to go to Breach... but I simply can't afford it. It's not just the travel its the food and drink... the endless drink. Also what car do you have? Hexx and I barely managed to fit our equipment in 1 car. You may struggle to get 3 people's worth in.
  17. Amesy

    Anyone from England planning on going?

    I sat next to him at 17 and had no issues. Massive respect Big G! On a more relevant topic; As much as I'd like to come I really cannot afford it, or take off enough time for it. Good luck with Channy for 8 hours. Although how he is going to get to yours is another question. If it would take me...
  18. Amesy

    Zombie Gaming Night on Halloween

    Well up for that!
  19. Amesy


    Not this year dude. Perhaps next year.
  20. Amesy

    Drifting cats

    For you Dirt lovers out there.
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