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  1. Amesy

    Unreal Tournament - What game do you prefer?

    Teh lols. In terms of multiplayer they are both as good as eachother, but the walkers in UT3 are epic.
  2. Amesy

    Happy birthday Swift!

    Belated Birthday wishes to you mate. hope you had a good day.
  3. Amesy


    I did this 2 years ago when I couldn't really grow facial hair properly. I still managed to raise £250 and it's for a cause that many of you will probably benefit from later in life. It pretty good for a laugh as well.
  4. Amesy

    Cities XL £0.99 @ Steam.

    I think it may be a mistake as this was £14.99 just a couple of days ago. get it while it's hot.
  5. Amesy

    STEVE JOBS DIES!!! :( R I P x

    Indeed not; And bringing Pixar to where is is, you got to applaud that.
  6. Amesy

    If you can't take the heat....

    ... stay out of this restaurant.
  7. Amesy

    STEVE JOBS DIES!!! :( R I P x

    That's what happens when you overcharge for every single thing your company releases. Still, there is no denying he was a pioneer of the industry. RIP
  8. Amesy

    Battlefield 3

    I reckon that's a very good idea there Skull.
  9. Amesy

    Buying headphones, any tips?

    Audio Technica's are not usually very nice. They tend to be very tinny. have a look here and see if anything tickles the fancy.
  10. Amesy

    Buying headphones, any tips?

    The Grados leak sound like there's no tomorrow. So you better be prepared for people asking you to turn it down, however they probably sound the best, The HD 448s are reasonably comfortable and the Sound is tight, detailed and punchy. The Sonys are uncomfortable and don't sound as good as either...
  11. Amesy


    "Listen up, Dick. This is metal.... for fish." If you've not seen or even heard of Metalocalypse, or Dethklok, then you're just not metal enough! Get wtaching people. each episode is only 10 minutes long..... I'd be wary about watching it at work though...
  12. Amesy

    Happy Birthday cAtAcLySm

    Happy birthday dude.
  13. Amesy

    Ever(long)quest! (Laptop soundcard question)

    ^^ What He said!
  14. Amesy

    why hello good ladies and Gents

    Bonjourno! Welcome to the community.
  15. Amesy

    Happy Birthday Skull!

    Happy Bar Mitzvah, Harry. Hope you have a cracking day, lad! :D
  16. Amesy

    Framed forever
  17. Amesy

    Ten Pin Bowling Night

    520 mile distance sucks ass
  18. Amesy

    BreachLAN does Insomnia45

    Does Amesy shaped family get a look in?
  19. Amesy

    Battlefield 3
  20. Amesy

    BreachLAN TF2 server reserved slots

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