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  1. Amesy

    Guild Wars

    This brings back memories. I wonder if they deleted my account or not? should have a reasonably strong Lvl20 Warrior/Monk to jog about with.
  2. Amesy

    Happy birthday zerog!

    Happy Belated birthday wishes, Dude. Sorry for my tardiness.
  3. Amesy

    Rest in peace Ryan Dunn

    There are rumours and reports floating around that This is all part of a stunt for a new jackass stunt. I'm not sure what to believe at the moment.
  4. Amesy


    Dex has an outdoor Oven/Cooker. You could use that ;) You'll have to source a BBQ from somewhere else though as I know Dex does not have one of these. (love you big guy)
  5. Amesy

    Happy Birthday Ames!

    Thanks Guys :D
  6. Amesy


    The cooker, and oven will be off limits at the hall so unless you cook before arrival, you are not going to be able to do it during the LAN
  7. Amesy

    An important message about Duke Nukem Forever

    So who's played the demo yet? It's short but very sweet. I must have spend at least 10 minutes drawing a massive cock on the monster on the Whiteboard, LOL.
  8. Amesy

    Happy Birthday Bloodnok!

    Sorry it's late mate, but happy birthday for yesterday.
  9. Amesy

    Amnesia: The Dark Descent

    What he said. I play about 10-15 minutes then have to give it a rest for a few days before going back to it just to give my nerves and thudding heart a break.
  10. Amesy

    BreachLAN GameWeek #2 - Continues TONIGHT with Altitude

    I really gutted I missed this one last night. I really wanted to play but had other engagements. :(
  11. Amesy

    Is it to late to introduce myself??

    Yes you are, young Lady! Yes you are.
  12. Amesy

    Is it to late to introduce myself??

    Who are you?
  13. Amesy

    Sandybridge Motherboards

    Bang for buck, Dex is right. The AMD chips have come on leaps and bounds. the AMD 975 chip on an Asus Crosshair Forumla is wickedly quick. That's what I'd have anyway
  14. Amesy

    GameWeek 2 : Tonights Game + Next Choices

    I'd love to have a craic at Vegas 2 and Altitude. I wanted to play them at the LAN but it never transpired.
  15. Amesy

    Oh %$!#

    I do believe today's sale might be a hell of a lot of fun either through mumble or at LAN. GET IT NOW!!!!
  16. Amesy

    An important message about Duke Nukem Forever

    Wootage!!! I know I'm ready for it.....are you?
  17. Amesy

    Oh %$!#

    As if I wasn't poor enough already. DAMN YOU STEAM! DAMN YOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUU!!11!one!
  18. Amesy

    BreachLAN #17 - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.

    You are very welcome dude. Glad it did the trick. there's nothing worse than a persistent blinding headache.
  19. Amesy

    BreachLAN #17 - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.

    Right ankle.
  20. Amesy

    BreachLAN 18

    As much as I'd very much like to, I just can't afford to. It's a long old trip.
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