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  1. Amesy

    BreachLAN #17 - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.

    The good: Great atmosphere. The music was audible but never too loud, comfortable temperature throughout. Great company. The chippy run (well done Dave), The Pizza....SOOO SOOO GOOOOOD! Sion's care and medical assistance when the ankle went down. Really appreciate the support bro! The Bad: The...
  2. Amesy

    Happy Birthday NSSB

    Happy Birthday, Martin. Hope you're having a great day, dude. :)
  3. Amesy

    Trackmania 2

    Looks pretty cool. Ubisoft stuff does tend to look pretty and detailed too.
  4. Amesy

    Was he speeding? You be the judge.

    "why no, officer. I was only doing 20"
  5. Amesy

    New Killing Floor Update

    Seconded. I've had hours upon hours of fun with Dex and Dave on this game. good times to be had here.
  6. Amesy

    The HitMan Red Alert 2 Tournament

  7. Amesy

    AvP for $5 USD

    Played the first mission of each race this morning and so far I'm impressed. They've done a very good job on the whole atmosphere of the Marine Missions. Really quite spooky.
  8. Amesy

    AvP for $5 USD

    15gb :o ... Wtf???
  9. Amesy

    BreachLAN 17 Saturday Night Pizza Order

    Il Carnivoro - XXL - Original Crust.... please.
  10. Amesy

    AvP for $5 USD

    Cha-ching... Thanks for the heads up Dave.
  11. Amesy

    Fistful of Frags

    It's easy to learn, very difficult to master. Hard as fuck actually. quite fun though.
  12. Amesy

    Travelling from Glasgow

    You mean Martin Isn't picking you up? Where's the chivalry?
  13. Amesy

    Fistful of Frags

    Just as long as it doesn't involve another trip around the Universe and all the other places too...... that took forever last time.
  14. Amesy

    hi everyone

  15. Amesy

    Fistful of Frags

    Downloaded and installed last night. Will give it a try tonight.
  16. Amesy

    BL17 Attendance List

    I didn't know Martin was Fat enough to take up two spaces??? He doesn't look that big in his facebook pictures :P
  17. Amesy

    Projector Content for BreachLAN17.

    good luck with that.
  18. Amesy

    BL17 Attendance List

    1. MadmaN - not paid 2. MadFanta - not paid 3. Jack - not paid 4. Daniel128 5. Knotty 6. Will 7. ZeroG 8. Dave 9. Amesy 10. Hexxy
  19. Amesy

    An important message about Duke Nukem Forever

    I see what you did there
  20. Amesy

    An important message about Duke Nukem Forever

    ....... Fucking fuck fuckers!!!
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