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  1. Amesy

    It's time we got this thread going.

    Borderlands Arena Tourneys.
  2. Amesy

    I'm getting BALLS OF STEEL

    I know. It would have been epic.
  3. Amesy

    I'm getting BALLS OF STEEL

    Pros and cons on each side there. I've pre-ordered from Shopto a few times before and they've all arrived at least a day early. in some cases 3 days early.
  4. Amesy

    I'm getting BALLS OF STEEL
  5. Amesy

    It's time we got this thread going.

    Battlefield: Bad Company 2 I'm a little hesitant to recommend that people go out and actually buy Breach... it's not a very good game at all... Perhaps all the issues I get won't appear on LAN (horrible horrible lag) but it's up to you all.
  6. Amesy

    Dawn of War II: Retribution Beta out on Steam

    I still haven't played DoW:II yet..... or DoW: soulstorm for that matter.
  7. Amesy

    Sinner selling gfx card

    What make is it Sinner? I'm running a HIS 4870 1GB so it would be great to have 2 running side by side.
  8. Amesy

    Game Idea

    There are still currently 0 Dedicated servers running for it as far As I can tell so If you were to put one up under the Breach or PK banner, it would be great advertising.
  9. Amesy

    Game Idea

    £7 is dirt cheap.
  10. Amesy

    Amnesia: The Dark Descent

    Different kind of scary. FEAR and Dead Space just make you jump. This actually make you feel fear. Heart thumping, Pulse quickening, Shaky legs, dry throat. etc. However the demo only gives you a little taster so not huge amounts in that. Only in the full game.
  11. Amesy

    Game Idea

    That it is.
  12. Amesy

    Amnesia: The Dark Descent

    New shorts for ZeroG!
  13. Amesy

    Game Idea

    finding one is another question. Not too bad a game, but not the greatest design or developing has gone into it.
  14. Amesy

    BreachLAN 16 - Feedback Response

    Dex, without that kind of scientific research, this world would be a far more dangerous place.... keep up the good fight against poor Pizzas.
  15. Amesy

    Game Idea

    Yeah I've had similar issues resolved with an integrity check but they came back again. Plus everyone I've time I've played theres been quite a few people warping everywhere. there is dedicated LAN support for it though so there shouldn't be any issues in a LAN situation.
  16. Amesy

    Game Idea

    This Everyone should get it for BL17
  17. Amesy

    Amnesia: The Dark Descent

    I've only played the demo, And that has got my heart really pounding.
  18. Amesy

    Amnesia: The Dark Descent

    Has anyone played this yet? I downloaded the demo last night and only got about 5 minutes worth in before bed. I'm impressed so far. It would seem as though you don't have any weapons throughout the whole game. It's a Horror survival type and all you are armed with is a Run button...
  19. Amesy

    Happy birthday Castiana!

    Happy belated birthday, young Lady! I hope it was a fair and beautiful day! :P
  20. Amesy

    APB Reloaded ?

    Doesn't look anywhere near as good as Brink
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