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  1. Everlong

    Dirt 2 - £3.75 on Steam for the next 8 hours!

    Just a wee note to say that Dirt 2 is £3.75 on Steam for the next 8 hours! I know most of you already have it but for those that don't .. it's the best £3.75 you'll spend today!! Evers \o
  2. Everlong

    Today I drove into...

    the security barrier at work! I forgot I had my bike on the roof rack and just went for it once the barrier was high enough to squeeze my car through! I feel very tardish!! lolz! Evers Please feel free to mock below! :)
  3. Everlong

    Installing BF Badcompany 2 is being a chote!

    Hi all, just wondered if anyone else had problems installing Battlefield Bad Company 2 from the disc. I get the game installed but the patches are causing my PC to freeze and crash completely. I'm currently DLing the latest patch outwith the game to try and update it from there but I don't...
  4. Everlong

    Hello everyone!

    Hi all! I'm new here! It's great to hear that there is an organised LAN so close to home! My name is Paul and I live in Forfar. I'm currently into playing TF2, WoW (Alliance on Turalyon server), Starcraft 2 (I'm a total nOOb so a few tips would be more than welcome!!) and CoDMW2. Looking...
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