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  1. SocksFoHands

    Transport to LAN

    Yeah I thought that might be a problem. Me and knotty were talking about it last night and he may be able to pull something together even though his car is only a two seater! Basically I'll get MrGinger since he's on my end of town and he can grab ravens instead. We don't have a firm plan yet...
  2. SocksFoHands

    Battle of Bel'shir is awesome

    I will take blame for putting this blight into our lives to begin with but you volunteered for the 1 am games! Also LOL about blue tower dreams! I know how you feel I was dreaming about mining in minecraft all night. :S
  3. SocksFoHands

    Battle of Bel'shir is awesome

    Yeah and just like the Eurozone every time he gets a bail out the rest of our economies nose dive. :S Anyhoo, may be up for some more of this tonight if my other plans fall through.
  4. SocksFoHands

    Battle of Bel'shir is awesome

    LOL We'll never beat this on easy mode. We'd need four real pro's and right now I'm the only badass player. *smug*
  5. SocksFoHands

    Big Source Engine Update - TF2 now FREE!

    Hey I tried to give it another fair shot but I still say I don't see why people rave about this game. I will say I may be willing to give it another chance at lan though, something tells me it's one of those games where you need balanced teams and good team work for it to be fun.
  6. SocksFoHands

    Big Source Engine Update - TF2 now FREE!

    Personally I still think it's over priced. :P
  7. SocksFoHands

    Rest in peace Ryan Dunn

    By your own standards no one will care when you die either then guys. We can't all be Einsteins, sometimes it's enough for a guy to have brought some laughter into the world for people to be sad when he dies.
  8. SocksFoHands

    DrumLAN# 7

    Doesn't hurt that you live 15 minutes drive from me. >_>
  9. SocksFoHands

    Rest in peace Ryan Dunn

    Him and the rest of the Jackass guys put a huge smile on my face whenever I watched the films. Granted if you don't like Jackass you're not going to give a shit but to anyone who is a fan of the series like me it's pretty sad. I grew up watching CKY and Jackass, feels like a bit of my...
  10. SocksFoHands

    Rest in peace Ryan Dunn God damn it, I'm gutted to hear this. He was one of my favourite jackass guys. :(
  11. SocksFoHands

    DrumLAN# 7

    Ahh screw it i cant imagine why I wouldn't be free. 1. Bloodnok 2. ZeroG 3. Deep Blue (Both weekends y0!) 4. Piglet (Both weekends y0!) 5. SocksFoHands Everyone left me out the list so I'll put my unpopular self on there. :'(
  12. SocksFoHands

    DrumLAN# 7

    Sign me up on a provisional basis until a date is confirmed.
  13. SocksFoHands

    DrumLAN #6

    Also battle of Bel'shir... Erm my bad.
  14. SocksFoHands

    DrumLAN #6

    No problem. I avoid FB for exactly this sort of evil anyway. We still good shooting for a 5 pm arrival Dave?
  15. SocksFoHands

    DrumLAN #6

    No problems here, I'm happy with your chairs.
  16. SocksFoHands

    Not long to go now

    Well I still don't use paypal and you're the next breach staff member I'm going to see face to face so I may well end up paying for breach at drumlan.
  17. SocksFoHands

    DrumLAN #6

    Sounds similar to my problems. Every bit of driver software is up to date yet I'm plagued with inexplicable CTD's and BSOD's. Damn thing just has gremlins in it I think.
  18. SocksFoHands

    Not long to go now

  19. SocksFoHands

    DrumLAN #6

    Hell man that's how I'm gonna be. My new PC may have better specs but I've paid a hell of a price in reliability.
  20. SocksFoHands

    Not long to go now

    For reals?!? Don't play with my emotions like this sins, don't say it if you don't mean it. I can't take that emotional hit again! *runs off crying*
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