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  1. SocksFoHands

    Duke Nukem (takes)Forever

    I already know how it's going to go. Eventually a game will be released that is pretty average or maybe a little better than average. A fairly solid shooter that doesn't really reinvent the wheel. The reality of what has been put on offer will in no way compare to 14+ years of hype and build...
  2. SocksFoHands

    Duke Nukem (takes)Forever

    Good lord at this point I really don't care any more. Not sure I ever did to be honest.
  3. SocksFoHands


    I'm calling your bluff, I see your buttscratcher and raiser you peter on ecstasy.
  4. SocksFoHands

  5. SocksFoHands

    One Day To Go!! :D

    Right oh packing up now. Got one other thing to deal with but should be there in the next hour or two.
  6. SocksFoHands

    One Day To Go!! :D

    For example?
  7. SocksFoHands

    One Day To Go!! :D

    Should hopefully be there around saturday afternoon-ish. Here's hoping you guys have net. lol Do I get a discount for since I'm buying a days less LAN? :p
  8. SocksFoHands

    One Day To Go!! :D

    Wish I was there. :(
  9. SocksFoHands

    Ati, fuck yeah!

    Eh I honestly don't have any loyalty either way. The only reason I've mostly been an ATI customer is for the reason they said in the article, they're cheaper and largely better cards. That and they just happen to be in the PC's I buy. :P
  10. SocksFoHands

    Lead and Gold Server issues

    No problem. In fairness I don't think it's a great loss. I couldn't even see myself getting £5 worth of fun out of it.
  11. SocksFoHands

    Gemini + Facebook + Gemini's mum, epic win thread

    lol So how much swearing was in that phone call Sion? :p
  12. SocksFoHands

    Gemini + Facebook + Gemini's mum, epic win thread

    And exactly how screwed is Sion?
  13. SocksFoHands

    Gemini + Facebook + Gemini's mum, epic win thread

    Has he not seen this yet? Or has he dug a hole and filled it in on top of himself? lol
  14. SocksFoHands

    Lead and Gold Server issues

    Yeah exactly the same here. Downloaded the game, had a mess around on practice and then tried three different servers which all failed to connect. So yeah, delete local content and move on with my life.
  15. SocksFoHands

    Gemini + Facebook + Gemini's mum, epic win thread

    *waits for Greg to see this thread* :D
  16. SocksFoHands

    Gemini + Facebook + Gemini's mum, epic win thread

    hahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaahahahaha! *socks dies from laughter* Oh thank you god, that was absolutly priceless. "screen caps: pwning greg since his mum joined facebook" :p
  17. SocksFoHands

    Think Apple will Sue KFC for this?

    To be honest I'm expecting it to be like an early 00's tom tom.
  18. SocksFoHands

    Think Apple will Sue KFC for this?

    I read about that. TBH even if they turn out to be complete garbage at that price its still incredible. They're talking about wanting to get them down to $10! That's insane! How can they even get the raw materials and parts needed to put the thing together for that price?
  19. SocksFoHands

    Paying for B15 on the door

    God damn it, we're dropping like flies out here! GET TO THE CHOPPA!!!! EDIT: On that note I won't be coming on the Friday. My grandad died over the weekend and I'll be at the funeral on that day... :( EDIT EDIT: Won't be able to come Saturday morning either...
  20. SocksFoHands

    ONE WEEK to GO!!!

    Because it still essentially boils down to giving away the multiplayer game for free? Don't get me wrong it's great for us the player and it's a great gesture for a dev to make to build up a lot of consumer goodwill, it's the sort of thing you only expect from valve or stardock these days. But...
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