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  1. Amesy


    I'll be sure to bring the fabreeze then LOL. Or Cillit Bang in a pressurised can. HAHA
  2. Amesy

    RMLANS : New EvE Corp

    No you resort to beating the crap out of inanimate objects. Very intelligent. :D
  3. Amesy

    Apple Event! 27th Jan - 6PM our time

    When will this thread end? the subject title is making the angels cry and god is killing kittens in fury.
  4. Amesy


    Am I advised to bring air fresheners then?
  5. Amesy


    At least it would shop birds shitting on the car :D
  6. Amesy

    RMLANS : New EvE Corp

    That's why you join an active corp and go pew pew shit!
  7. Amesy


    Oh yeah she'd have a wail of a time spending a weekend in a scout hall with about 20+ gaming nerds (I count myself among that so don't be offended, be proud) She'd be bored stupid. and then resent me even more than she already does. HEHE
  8. Amesy


    Yeah dude, I'm leaving my Fiancee of nearly 7 years in London to come up and game with you guys. Take her out to dinner the following weekend. You'll only be paying more for a limited menu if you take her out on Valentines anyway.
  9. Amesy


    Awesome. cheers. Let's rawk.
  10. Amesy


    As i've not been before, will there be space on my desk to have a laptop as well?
  11. Amesy


    Yeah dude, you look sick.. on that day. Would you like to sit down.. when it happens?
  12. Amesy

    BreachLAN 13: Seating Plan

    I Found that out the hard way.... didn't I... DEX!!!:mad:
  13. Amesy

    Butt scratcher!!!

    Dry Humper!!!
  14. Amesy

    BreachLAN 13: Seating Plan

    I'd say this year was def. going ahead then :D
  15. Amesy

    Breachlan NEEDS YOU

    Guffaw guffaw :mad: :p
  16. Amesy

    Breachlan NEEDS YOU

    I've taken 2 weeks off for this........ then again, i am driving from London.
  17. Amesy

    Red Alert 3 Unplayable Online for Many Through Steam

    Your not missing much. C&C3 was much better.
  18. Amesy

    If you could get any women you wanted into bed

    Very good call Skull. Hand shakes instead of beatings then I guess. LOL.
  19. Amesy

    Breachlan NEEDS YOU

    I sincerely hope I am more than just a gaming buddy to you Mister. My heart breaks at such words :(................ LOLs jokes.
  20. Amesy

    Steam Xmas Sale

    Sad times indeed. may another steam sale hurry back to us soon.
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