Search results

  1. Everlong

    Company of Heroes Twa BreachLAN Brawl!

    Hi chaps and chapettes! I was watching the live stream of the finals of the latest CoH2 tourney and got to thinking that it would be epic if we could run a wee 1v1 league. I'm happy to take care of the league (as long as the mods are happy with that ofc :D ) and do all organising/...
  2. Everlong


    Dod is a rear admiral!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!¬!!!!
  3. Everlong

    Company of Heroes map pack

    Hey all Here is a link to a 250 maps in 1 download: Thanks to Oomska for this. I've not installed them as yet but I'll have a go tomorrow and let ya'll know if there are any goblins in the works! Cheers dears! Evers \o
  4. Everlong

    PAYDAY: The Heist - No Mercy

    Hey ya'll! Here is the trailer for the new Payday DLC! Looks a little more run and gun from this trailer but fun all the same! No Mercy for deed, hungry, groany peeps! Just to clear up the myth surrounding the start of the L4D zombie incursion! Some have said that the new Payday content...
  5. Everlong

    Company of Heroes :D

    Hey all, Thought I'd pop up a wee thread about CoH. Here is a good site for DLing new maps from (thanks Dod for finding this:)) : mApZoRzZz! Also, here is a link to Company of Heroes 2! Zeroes-Twa! If you would like to watch some CoH matches I can highly recomend this guy's channel...
  6. Everlong

    Website that auto-uploads pictures?

    Hi peeps! I was wondering what the name of the site/ program you use to share pictures instantly. Dex did tell me the name of the one he uses but I forgot to find and bookmark it. Many thanks in advance :D Evers \o
  7. Everlong

    Evecraft anyone?

    Just saw this linked on the BBC website! I had no idea! Sound familiar? :D
  8. Everlong

    Need suggestions for some punk/rock/metal to listen to.

    Hey all, I'm looking for something new and tasty to listen to. I've been listening to Biffy Clyro, Weezer, Funeral for a Friend, Deftones and a bit of Blink-182 (Enema of the State) recently. Any suggestions? Many thanks in advance for your awesomeness! :D
  9. Everlong

    Terraria is £1.50 on Steam

    Terraria is £1.50 on Steam for the next 24 hours! You have to add 10 games or DLC to your wishlist to qualify for the daily deal. You add them by clicking on the games in the store and then clicking the 'add to wishlist' button about half way down on the right hand side. You will also stand a...
  10. Everlong

    Bring your own joystick

    Sorry Piglet, I think this one is for the lads! I'm going to use ma piss-stick to pwn nubs on the interwebs!
  11. Everlong

    One word story

    Hey all I've seen this on other forums and it can be quite a giggle. It's simple. You can add one word to the thread with the intention of creating a daft story. The one rule is that Channy can only use the word 'derp' once (so use it wisely!)! Lets see how it goes. I'll begin in a new post.:)
  12. Everlong


    Hey all Thought I'd start a wee thread to discuss Skyrim. I've noticed a bunch of Breach members playing it so though a thread might get some traffic. Please can we try and avoid spoilers at all costs. So, who is all playing this at the moment? Cheers Evers :D
  13. Everlong

    Whats the best way to make a photograph's file size smaller?

    Hi all I'm about to post a couple of pics on the Movember site but the pictures from my phone are being rejected because of their file size. Can anyone suggest a program to make them smaller please? Cheers ya'll! Evermo
  14. Everlong

    Anti virus freeware question

    Hi all I'm currently using Avast as my anti-virus program. I'm looking for another free anti-virus program. What would you all suggest? Thanks in advance. Evers :D
  15. Everlong

    Question about posting pictures.

    Hey all, just a quick question. What do you guys use to host pictures for posting on the forum? Thanks Evers :D
  16. Everlong

    Ever(long)quest! (Laptop soundcard question)

    Once upon a time in a land just south of Brechin there lived a valient knight .....well, just next door to him lived a bald, podgy lad called Everlong who has a question regarding soundcards and laptops! Win i nin i n! :p Hey all! I'm about to buy a new laptop and was wondering if anyone could...
  17. Everlong

    Frozen Synapse - who fancies taking part in a wee league?

    Hi all Was just having a wee think to myself. Who fancies playing in a rolling BreachLAN Frozen Synapse league? I was totally gutted to have missed the competition at BreachLAN18 so wondered about getting some action going inbetween times. My suggestion would be to have a league ladder on the...
  18. Everlong

    Who's the daddy?!?!?!

    I AM!! Hey all! Just a quick message to say that my wife Hazel delivered our new son Andrew Daniel Judge on the 9th August at 6.47pm. The little dude weighed in at 9lb 13oz and is strong and healthy. Hope to catch you all online soon. Cheers Paul (Evers) \o
  19. Everlong

    Is there anything else I will need installed?

    Hi all Was just wondering, other than the games list and the rest of the games that I own, are there any other programs that I should DL and instal prior to arrival? Cheers in advance. Evers \o
  20. Everlong

    Cheap camp beds

    Hi all Just noticed this little Brucey bargain in an Aldi email. Thought I'd make you LANgoers aware as it might make sleeping a little more comfortable. Cheers Evers
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