Search results

  1. C

    gemlan - L4D Versus - Sun 27th Sept

    I can certainly make this one :D 1. gemini 2. Dave 3. Kadeshi 4. ZeroG 5. Shark-Boy (AKA Kadeshi's little brother) 6. Chrisface 7. - 8. -
  2. C

    Pub Lunch - Aberdeen - Sat 1st August 2009

    1pm is my favorite time of the day.
  3. C

    Pub Lunch - Aberdeen - Sat 1st August 2009

    Thanks for the offer of the lift. I don't actually NEED it but it saves me a 30 minute walk so it would be awesome if you could. As for your idea Castiana? I don't know what it was. But maybe it is. I do a lot of work with web services and web based applications and I looked at the eve API and...
  4. C

    Pub Lunch - Aberdeen - Sat 1st August 2009

    Tada! I shall be attending this to get to know you all a bit better. I also need to talk to any eve players about what we'll be wanting in this eve management API key thing and face to face is easiest for that kind of discussion. Setting some short term goals for it would be something i'd like...
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