gemlan - L4D Versus - Sun 27th Sept


The Crude One
Staff member

As you will no doubt be aware, L4D online is a massive steaming pile of shit. Riddled with a shit lobby system, shit servers (excluding Dex's obviously:D) and of course, shit people who think its ok to stand around picking their nose while right beside them a hunter is giving their teammate a chest massage.

Therefore, for one day only, I will be hosting a L4D exclusive LAN.

Atmosphere Lighting and Sound
67-69 Nelson Street
City Centre, Aberdeen, AB24 5ER

DATE - Sunday 27th September (ONE DAY)

TIME - Arrive at 10:30 for 11am

PRICE - £5 for LAN + £Domino's if you desire.

For the interested please post below. This LAN will not go ahead unless there are 8 confirmed people who will be available all day (such is the nature of L4D VS Mode)

High skill is NOT REQUIRED

What IS required is the ability to work with other people. To be able to keep an eye on your mates and to either help them fight the hoarde or help chow down those pesky survivors.

YOUR OWN COPY OF L4D IS ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED - If you have a pirated copy, or you share your steam account with friends / family then you need not express an intrest. To make sure everything works as smoothly as possable then it is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL that you own your own copy of L4D, and it is registered to YOUR steam account which is not shared with anyone.

Even if you are interested, but do not have transport, then please post saying where you live and you need transport. Hopefully someone else will be able to help you out :)

Reply below if interested or ask if you want any more information.

1. gemini
2. -
3. -
4. -
5. -
6. -
7. -
8. -


Noob question warning! > How old do you have to be as my little brother might be able to come also. Also, do the venues ever come closer to Aberdeen because i'm in Fraserburgh :( (the arse end of Scotland).

1. gemini
2. Dave
3. Kadeshi (+1 maybe depending on age restriction)
4. -
5. -
6. -
7. -
8. -


The Crude One
Staff member
I dont really care about age restriction to be honest. Your little brother is more than welcome providing that you both have your own steam accounts. :)

Sorry if its a bit further away than you would like but its near where I live and as such I have good contacts and knowledge of local venues to be able to get us something good and nice and cheap.


Well-Known Member
Since it's a Sunday I should be able to make it. Sister lives in Newtonhill so I might be able to grab a lift off her.

1. gemini
2. Dave
3. Kadeshi (+1 maybe depending on age restriction)
4. ZeroG
5. -
6. -
7. -
8. -


The Crude One
Staff member
Places are filling up nicely.

Please dont forget though that this lan NEEDS 8 people or it will not go ahead.

I have decided that the cost of the LAN will be no more than £6. Just to help me cover the cost of the venue (if I decide to rent) although hopefully we can avoid it completely and get a freebie (working on that idea too) :D


Three more to go :D

1. gemini
2. Dave
3. Kadeshi
4. ZeroG
5. Shark-Boy (AKA Kadeshi's little brother)
6. -
7. -
8. -


The Crude One
Staff member

Don't forget it's first come first served. And I have yet to invite anyone outside this here board.


Venue very likely to be

Atmosphere Lighting and Sound
67-69 Nelson Street
City Centre, Aberdeen, AB24 5ER

I DJ for this company whenever I have weekends free and the guys who run it are rock solid. They dont open on Sundays and have a warehouse at the back of the store which I have just confirmed can be ours for the day. Exact time still to be 100% verified.

And it means that Domino's Deliver :D

This should be more conveniant for everyone. Hope more of you guys can make it :)

Il set the price now as £5. Just for a thank you to the owner of the shop.

Keep an eye on Post #1 for confirmation of times tomorrow :)


The Crude One
Staff member
Yes Sweeper you will need to take your own PC.

I notice though that you are from Newtonhill. I can give you a lift out if you want. :)


New Member
I can certainly make this one :D

1. gemini
2. Dave
3. Kadeshi
4. ZeroG
5. Shark-Boy (AKA Kadeshi's little brother)
6. Chrisface
7. -
8. -


The Crude One
Staff member
Only Two Spots remaining, and I have invited three people, aswell as others on this board.

Looking like its going to be a great day. :)


Do these things go on all day or just half a day? Is it just l4d or are other games welcome? And my brother and I will most likely just take our laptops if thats OK?

P.S. sorry for the newbie questions.:p


The Crude One
Staff member
Dont worry dude :) Questions arent a problem.

Itl most likely be from about noon till 9 or 10pm. Enough time to play all the campaigns at least once :)

I'm aiming exclusively for L4D to be honest just for this event but dont forget that this is not a Breachlan.

Breachlans go on for longer, and they have a much bigger variety of games played.

This is a smaller gathering, just for one day to provide us with some low latency, good teamwork L4D. Something which is SERIOUSLY lacking in online play.

Other games are welcome at Breachlans. For this one though, its all about Versus mode L4D.

Laptops are fine, just as long as they can run the games :)


The Crude One
Staff member
1. gemini
2. Dave
3. Kadeshi
4. ZeroG
5. Shark-Boy (AKA Kadeshi's little brother)
6. Chrisface
7. Owen

Thats spots 7 and 8 full. There are no more places available.

The LAN is DEFINATELY going ahead. Two weeks tomorrow.

Look out for exact timings to be confirmed shortly. But expect it to be roughly 11am/Midday - 7/10pm in the Evening depending on when some have to leave for requiring to be at work the next day.

We should be able to complete each campaign twice with good breaks for luls and for pizza :)

Keep a regular eye on post #1 for updated information :)


hey guys, sorry but i got another question. Do i need to install anything for the LAN to work because a installed the IPX protocol a while ago to get LAN working on vista for some old games so was just wondering if theres something like that i might need?
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