These are the things that you will need to take. Please make sure you have everything as the last thing we want is someone missing out because they forgot something.
Computer (or Laptop)
HEADPHONES - This is the most forgotten thing at any lan. If you fancy a new pair though the LAN is in a DJ shop. They might have some decent sets with small jacks in stock. I'l try to find out in advance and see about having some on display.
Network Cable - As long as possible, but no more than 5m. (PLEASE TAKE YOUR OWN, I DON'T HAVE MANY SPARES) - If you are taking more than one then please make sure there is something unique about them (put your initials on the boots in permanent marker)
Snack food - Low fat rice Pringles are very good for snacks as not only are they tasty and filling but they are low fat so you don't get grease and shit all over your keyboard.
Money (£5 for lan + £Dominos)
There will be a kettle available for making tea/coffee but NO OTHER FORM OF COOKING WILL BE AVAILABLE. Keep this in mind when choosing
Please avoid taking any unnecessary appliances. I want to keep the power load low.
I'l ask politely that you don't take any fans of any description. They draw a lot of current and the space we have the LAN will be nice and cool anyway
You may take your mini fridge if you want but these will be kept away from the PC's.
If you want to take your own chair then that's also allowed.
Multi-Monitor setups are prohibited due to space constraints. Please don't bother taking second monitors.
I would also suggest avoiding external hard drives as its just something else to go wrong. We wont have time for any media anyway.
If you have any questions about what you need, where to go, or anything about the event then you guys can send me a PM any time and il help out