Ashvale order


Ladies and gentlemen

the ashvale order form is now active so you can place your orders. Please note the pricing on the menu is for suppers not single items

Regarding the pickled eggs and pickled onions the price is as follows :

1 pickled egg = £0.35
1 pickled onion = £0.20

please remember when ordering either of the above onion or eggs to state how many you want.

Because of the change to the dates the pizza order will remain in place for the saturday night. The ashvale order will be collected on the friday night instead.

if you have any questions please feel free to pm me on here or you can catch me on mumble.

Thanks for your continued support George Rogers (dod)


Well-Known Member
What time will the order be delivered since I probably won't be there till about 7.30 - 8.00pm again
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