

Well-Known Member

I recently installed AVG8.0 when I got a message saying 7.5 is going to be stopped. But upon installing it my computer fecked up. IE wouldn't open, eventlog wouldn't show me details and even drag and drop got disabled. In the end I had to do a full reinstall.

After reading the article above I don't think I will try AVG again especially with LinkScanner enabled. Surely this will push up your bandwidth usage (even if just by a small amount) and what happens when you're logged as having visited a site when you never actually clicked on it ?


Well-Known Member
simple dont install that part lol .. hey mark put your steam id in the gamertag bit pls


Captain Hammer!!
i used it for a little bit, didnt have nay problems per sey, hated the link scanner so i turned it off, but it always complained saying i wasnt properly protected.


Well-Known Member
I could disable it from within AVG but then you get the nagging about it being off and if something does go wonky with AVG you can't see it straight away because you will always have the grey icon in the system tray.

There is a method of installing AVG8.0 without linkscanner but you would think any decent company would give you the option on what gets installed and what doesn't.

I'm gonna give AVG a miss for now cause I'm not sure if it was the cause of my troubles as they only surfaced after installing AVG8.0. I'm sticking with Avast for the moment.
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