BL31 Kitchen


Ladies and gentlemen

Due to the lack of customers willing to keep the kitchen area and utensils in a respectable condition we the staff have decided that at BreachLAN 31 the cutlery and Dishes will not be made available for use throughout the event. Customers will have access to the kitchen to make use of the kettle and microwave and fridge.

If you require any cutlery for the event all customers are advised to bring your own.


Active Member
I would advise everyone pick up some disposable cutlery and plates from ASDA or Morrisons
Cheap as chips and lasts you several LANs because of the number you get

Just Dave

What a fu**ing joke.
Not about the kitchen being taken away, but about the "Adults" that come along and can't clean up after themselves..
First they block the bogs because they don't know what to use to wipe their asses, and now, after repeated warnings, they STILL can't wash dishes after themselves.

It's not difficult guys.
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its been the same warning every lan ive been to so anyone complaining about this needs shot on grassy hill. Like Dave said... its not hard to wash AND dry your plate/cutlery/mug AND put it away. If everyone had spent just 2 minutes doing theirs this wouldnt have happened.


Self Proclaimed God
Some b**tard used my fork but never put it back to get washed with the other dishes. Next lan if possible can I look at the cutlery and see if my fork is still there? This wasn't cheap cutlery.
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this is the main reason i usually only eat food which is in its own container as i know im too lazy to wash things
and i bring about eleventy billion knives and forks with me every lan
its not hard...


*looks disapprovingly*
I usually bring ma own cup/knifes/forks the only thing I use is the small plates (cause who eats pies out of a paper bag!?) certainly make sure I wash them though!

It's not hard!


Miss Bitch
Yes the kitchen will still be in use for the kettle, sink and microwave but punters will be required to bring their own cutlery and plates if they wish to use them.
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