Breach newbie siging up


Active Member
Hey guys I'm SocksFoHands but you guys can call me Richard. I'm a buddy of gemini's who has been nagged for the past two years to come to this event! What I lack in skill and finesse I make up for with lots of... whatever the opposite of skill and finesse is. :confused:

Hope to get some kick ass games of killing floor in here so see you all at the lan. :)

Deep Blue

Staff member
Welcome! :)

Course if you know any more friends that are sitting on the fence, they should come, cause the event will run and the more the merrier!

See you at the party!


New Member
Hey Socks, just saw a post from you on the TWI KF forums. Kinda freaked me out at first, i was like "who is this imposter?!" then i remembered the interweb pipes is bigger than BL :rolleyes:
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