BreachLAN 22: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly


Thou Shalt Not Pass

Well, BreachLAN 22 has passed and I hope you guys all had a brilliant time!

As usual, if you wanna post your Good/Bad/Ugly stuff in here and we will see what we need to improve on for the next event!

Cheers guys!


Active Member
CS:GO, TF2 and Company of Heros

Just Eats not delivering

Can't think of any so Im just going to say I had alot of fun!

EDIT: Having to go home on the Sunday. :(((((

Deep Blue

Staff member
The Good -

Loads of new faces
Papa Johns pizza
Sunday night risk!
Great games (TF2, Air Buccaneers, Flat Out2 Lols)
Rock Band
Everlong and his never ending supply of scrumpy!

The Bad -

Everlong and team SCM leaving early!

The Ugly -

My Monday hangover, damn you Risk!



. Pizza was actually really good this time
. Risk
. The new faces to the lan (welcome)
. Rock Band (the bar has been raised performances were excellent, cant wait till the next one, can we have it fancy dress)
. Everlong (legend)
. Lots of games on the go


. Team SCM leaving early
. Just eat
. NO Skull (we missed you dude)
. Tf2 and Starcraft 2


. Dex on monday morning (now i know why he needs his beauty sleep haha)
. There always seems to be one game that dominates the Lan when we should all be playing together.

Dont know how everyone else feels but i think some new multiplayer games or taken back some of the older games might be good.


*looks disapprovingly*
. Pizza was excellent
. The new faces to the lan (SUUUUUUUUUUUP)
. Rock Band
. Lots of games on the go (some maybe too much)
. Oomska going missing! was about to post a dead or alive photo!
. company/food place not delivering to the same place next day!
. Tf2 was excellent i think 4V4's are an excellent idea! (hint hint wink wink)
. my Monday test oh god the headache!


New Member
The Good
First ever Breachlan
Rock Band
TF2 tournie - despite SCM getting an ass whooping

The Bad
Oomska's invisibility cloak
Downtime - would have liked to see a few smaller tournaments on the go
Niko always killing me in CS

The Ugly
Everlong's scrumpy
Air biscuits

I'll upload pictures from Rock Band night shortly to Flickr :)


The Good:
First time Lan
meeting mumble folks plus some more
the events; TF2, L4D, Air Bucaneers, UT04, Risk...
Having loads of fun with people
and of course Rockband

The Bad:
My voice after Rockband...
my shockingly bad L4D skills
I didn't have some games that most were playing in between the events so ended up playing on my own a bit
my neck after sleeping funnily

The Ugly:
Borderlands 2 running on my old laptop
Flukes teetering about when he was drunk (though that was also a bit hilarious :D)

unfortunately though, I won't be making it to #23 as I'm kinda moneyless atm and have just started university. I'll still be on mumble though when I get the chance and I'm sure I'll see you all again come next year and some birthday money/a job.


Miss Bitch
The Goooood

Lots of new faces
ROCK BAND!!!! Esp Niko rocking it on the drums and vocals..... kudos to that!!
Risk on Sunday
Getting to the TF2 finals

The Bad

Flukes dropping cake on the floor and still eating it :-/
Slooow internet
Vanishing Oomska
Not getting to play the TF2 final thanks to half the opposing team disappearing >_>

The Ugly

LAN DEATH.....I have a stinking cold and feel like shite :(


Active Member
The Good

TF2 (and making it to the final with a perfect score)
The return of Risk
A certain Uber death charge
Smokers corner banter (as per usual)

The Bad

Drunken madman
snoring madman
drunken snoring madman :p

The Ugly

Borderlands taking over the lan (im guilty of this aswell)
My raging during l4d2, I owe you all an apology for this, Its just not a game I enjoy losing and I can get quite wound up as evidenced by my outburst during the game, so to make up for this next lan socks, gbot, and everlong you can have a free case of beer (of your choice) on me...


Well-Known Member
drunken snoring madman... well i was advised to change rooms time ear plugs for all? lol

and im not the only one who snores lol


The Crude One
Staff member
I think you're just being pansies. I was two feet away from the offender and slept like a baby.


Active Member
The Good:

- Awesome, awesome, awesome company! Sitting between Dod and Dex was epic fun! It was also great to finally have all of the SCM lads there! C'mon the SCM!!!!!
- TF2 tourney was absolutely A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!! The games were brilliant fun .. and we were the whipping b(h)oys!

- Scrumpy!

- Rockband!! What a total riot! Nico .. WOW! Piglets vocals, go girl, go!! Awesome! I totally agree with Dod, fancy dress next time! This could be stunning! ;D

- Meeting all the new people.

- CoH! 'If I'd known there would be this much marching I would have joined the f#!king Navy!'

- Pizza!

- Mechwarrior ... um ... I mean .. that other game ... um ... .... oh, gawd! They might be watching!!!!!

- Will's chair! I'm so jealous!

- Scrumpy!

- No BSOD!! Hurray, I though I was going to replace Socks as the BSOD-boy! ;D

- Flukes' inner-gyro packing in! Flukes is a total warrior, great effort!

- The SCM chefs! The food was epic guys, great effort!

The Bad:

- No Skull! :(

- Trying to walk after a fore-mentioned TF2 tourney ... all I'm saying is John Wayne!!

- All the 'cheese-cutting' that going on ... they won't need to worry about woodlice in the hall for a while with the fumigation it received last weekend!

- Scrumpy!

- Dod's choice of art! Seriously ... those wallpapers were terrible! My mum hated them!

- Having to leave early. :(

- Olleran and Gbot owning the Scrumpy! They held it well though! :D

- Not getting to play SC2. Not that I would have actually won anything but I have come to expect an botty-kicking at lan!

- Dex not getting in much gaming. :(

The Ugly:

- Scrumpy!

- Losing car keys! (Narrowly avoided a small panic attack .. thinking I had thrown them into the 'wasp bin of stingy death')


This was an awesome LAN. A huge thank you to all of those involved in organising and running the event! We are so lucky to have such a dedicated group of people arranging and running these events for us! Thank you all! :D

Evers out! \o


the Good:
the pizza was amazing
not being last in a tourny
more people i havent met before
rock band! nice going def raised the bar in excellence
that mech game
won dod £9
the bad:
SCM leaving early:(
gbots voice after singing in the rockband
maybe borderland ate up a little bit too much of the the lan *cough cough stacraft cough cough*

the ugly:
perhaps drinking a teensy weensy bit too much:confused:
saturday morning and monday morning
i think i broke my digestive system
having a freaking UNANNOUNCED test at college 3 hours after leaving lan......STILL passed:) i really need to do more important tests after coming home from breachlan
i seem to pass those tests ....


perhaps drinking a teensy weensy bit too much:confused:

its not the fact you had too much flukes but you really need to make sure your food intake is the same or higher and just slow the pace u drink at down
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