Criteria for a home system


To create the corp, we need a HQ and these are based on stations. Therefore, we need to choose a system to act as our home system. I think the following should be included for when we're giving things consideration:
  • 0.7 security: a long term goal should be the establishment of our own player-owned structure (POS) as research and manufacture is quicker in these. To do this, we need good standings with the sovereign of the system, and 0.7 standing is the highest standing we can place in.
  • A decent spread of agents: at least two decent quality level 1 and 2 agents, and hopefully a decent level 3.
Anyone else got any good ideas for what we need?


Well-Known Member
Access to nearby asteroid fields with some diverse ores helps for manufacturing/trade unless you want to be hauling it all over the place.


The Crude One
Staff member
I nominate Jakanerva. It is a 0.7 system with a large range of agents of plenty different levels. It also has LOADS of asteroid fields and is only a small number of jumps from Jita and from lowsec.
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