who all has this game or intends to buy it before the lan? get some mass death on the go
PseudoPhreak Captain Hammer!! Feb 17, 2007 #1 who all has this game or intends to buy it before the lan? get some mass death on the go
I itsmyyard New Member Feb 18, 2007 #3 Ive got a hard copy somewhere if anyone needs to install it on the day.
ZeroG Well-Known Member Feb 19, 2007 #4 If there was enough interest in this I could be tempted to purchase it.
M Matt New Member Feb 20, 2007 #6 You must all by this game so we can have mass nuking. It's short, not difficult and fukcing annoying! All things that make a great LAN game!
You must all by this game so we can have mass nuking. It's short, not difficult and fukcing annoying! All things that make a great LAN game!
Deep Blue The BOFH Staff member Feb 22, 2007 #7 I think i've been persuaded, though someone will need to teach me how to play it!!!