DiRT3 now available for pre-order - £26.99


The Crude One
Staff member
I personally will not ever be buying it or any other game that features Games for Windows Live software. I refuse to use or support anything that is a part of that shitty shit shit software.


Active Member
And I refuse to spend 30 quid on something I'll only fireup at LANs. The only reason I have the other two is because they were in a bundle at a take the piss low price.


Comes out on my birthday! So you know. If you want to get me a present. I'd be cool with that. You know, like. DiRT 3.


Well-Known Member
I have it pre-ordered on steam yo!

O'rly :p

Anyway, I will be buying it for the cars and you lot will buy it when its really cheap like DiRT 2 was (£3.49 was the lowest I saw.).

BTW GFWL is a better system than what GRID was using... (Me, supporting GFWL, oh dear...)

I just glad there's no Limited Editon for the PC, that would make my wallet a sad panda...


The Crude One
Staff member
GRID worked fine. Was never anything wrong with it. You selected play on lan, someone hosted a game, server went up, jobs a goodun.

With GFWL you have to go through so much shit to get it to work. And even then LAN play by itself isnt totally stable.
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