DrumLAN #3


Well-Known Member
Summer 2010 looks more likely as parents might be going on holi during the week of BL14 (6th-10th of April)

Sorry guys for getting your hopes up


Well-Known Member
Aiming for this lan sometime in June. Why sometime? I only get anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 days notice of when parents and going on holi.... or they are taking their holi during the week, like next week...


Well-Known Member

Friday 18th June - Saturday 19th June

Can't do Sunday 20th as:

A. I'm working on Monday

B. Parents home on Monday, leaving no time to tidy up.

Cause of the less number of days, this is going to an invite only event unless you can convince me otherwise.

If it is a low turn out, may move LAN to bro's flat (emptly atm...)


Well-Known Member
Will the invites be 24 carat gold hidden in cans of monster energy drink I wonder...


Well-Known Member
Due to a game of Killing Floor last night, I am allowing 1 free space for my LAN.

But you must be able to get to mine via ur own means.

Bonus points if you take a table with you :p


The Crude One
Staff member
Sion, might have been me. Let me know if you need a lift il take care of it.


Well-Known Member
Guys, I am currently missing 5m cable for the router to switch and a bit short on 2-3m ones for the switch to ur pc's

Bring ur own if you can please or we have no net nor LAN!!!
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