DrumLAN #4


Well-Known Member
Due to the sad news of this morning, there is a a possible chance of a lan at mine within the next 2 weeks.

Dates will be added when known


Well-Known Member
Hopefully the lan will be going ahead in the next two weeks. (Theres a queue... saying no more)

Thank you Ames.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about loss david... 2011 really aint starting out good... let's hope it turns around.


Well-Known Member
I would be interested but wouldn't be out until about 7pm by the time I got home from work, changed then a lift over.


Well-Known Member
Confirmed so far:

1. Bloodnok
2. Castiana
3. ZeroG
4. Deep Blue
5. Gemini

There is only one space left


The Crude One
Staff member
To: Everyone going to LAN.

As some of you know, I have been buggering around with Steam the past few days. And as you all definitely know, my internet connection is bollocks.

Therefore, If you wouldn't mind adding your "Steam/steamapps/common" folder to your DC++ shares, and allow it to fully hash before the LAN, I'd thank you very much for your generosity.

This should allow me to quickly grab all the files I need for my steam directory, without six months of downloading / installing from Steam itself.

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