DrumLAN# 7


Well-Known Member
Whats this? a LAN 2 weeks after BL18???

Possible Dates: 12 - 14th

Max number of attendees: 6

1. Bloodnok
2. ZeroG
3. Deep Blue
4. Piglet
5. Scottish-Wolfsky


Active Member
Ahh screw it i cant imagine why I wouldn't be free.

1. Bloodnok
2. ZeroG
3. Deep Blue (Both weekends y0!)
4. Piglet (Both weekends y0!)
5. SocksFoHands

Everyone left me out the list so I'll put my unpopular self on there. :'(


Well-Known Member
Holy crap, nearly less than 24hrs after the 1st post, the LAN is almost full, must be doing something right.


Thou Shalt Not Pass
I'm not sure at the moment, Would have to see closer to the time.
Second dates are not for me, as that's the weekend before I move, chances are I would be busybusy


Well-Known Member
Due to a misunderstanding, Dates are changed:

12 - 14th and/or 19th - 21st of August 2011

Sorry for inconvenience.


Thou Shalt Not Pass
Unfortunately, will be in middle of moving over both of those dates, so wont be able to make it :(
Oh well, roll on the next breach!


Well-Known Member
As an added bonus (depending on the weather), there will be a BBQ that can be used.

I still thinking about having up to 7 guests but not have the madness of DrumLAN#1...


The Crude One
Staff member
I'l refrain from confirming for the moment. This is because I'l already be losing a potential weekend of DJing that month and I don't want to miss a second. Money being as tight as it is.

But I will DEFINATELY confirm my attendance once I have a word with the chaps and see if I can fit both into one weekend.
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