DrumLAN #9


Well-Known Member
7th - 9th October 2011

1. Bloodnok
2. SockFoHands
3. Scottish-Husky
4. Deep Blue
5. Piglet
6. <random mystery guest> :eek:
7. ZeroG

May allow up to 8 again if you bring a table etc

Will be the last one this year.


Well-Known Member
Since I don't want a repeat of the router(s) crapping out cause of everyone trying to play anything on steam... what router would you guys recommend? (Anything but belkin!).


Well-Known Member
I do have another Netgear DG834GT sitting here if you want to borrow that, will just need to find the power adapter for it.


hey hey hey i regret to inform that i will have to pull out of drumlan really sorry dave hope u guys have a good weekend
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