Games List?

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The Crude One
Staff member
Shot L4D

Every infected you kill you take a shot :D

Failing that (if you pussies cant handle the drink) then a shot for every time you successfully get attacked by a special infected.


It's Castiana now-a-days. Or Carp if I play wow with you :p

And i'm not that stupid. Hush Zero, before I bitch slap you :p


Thou Shalt Not Pass
as i have said before, that is why it still says prism in your signature (its even the first name on it)


Well-Known Member
Guys, could we please use the 1.2 patch for Flatout 2 as it has fixes for multiplaying and has manual transmission as well (plus the fact ive got it on steam)


Captain Hammer!!
Hello Kitty, count me in.
We are working on a games list now so you can have what you need in advance, but if you dont have something its usually nor a problem, just make sure you have steam up to date.
Making sure to run all your games once as i find with mine it doesnt update unless you try and play the game.


New Member
as long there is a way to get the games for free and quickly, im not going to pay for games that i'll probaly play during the weekend of Breach
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