Games Night


Ladies and gentlemen

As there is a lot of time in-between events i have decided to have a games night(s) to allow us to get together and have a giggle.

What i need from you is your input on what games you would like to see featured on the nights in question.
The First games night will be Thursday 18th September. Please leave your suggestion of a game below and we will compile a list of games etc with relevent dates.

If these games nights are a success then they will hopefully lead on to bigger and better things.


Active Member
I'd definitely been keen to play TF2 and CS:GO. Chivalry could be good too, since we didn't get to play at the LAN. Might also be fun to dig up something like Trouble in Terrorist Town?


Well-Known Member
I'll be up for anything, but will need to be in bed by 11pm :cool:. So might be restricted to the drop in and out type of games like TF2/cs:go.

Or there's always the option for organised chaos on Planetside 2 where everyone can be on the same team.

I don't know who this "Amesy" guy is, but he seems to share my love for cs:s
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