This is not for tournaments, just random games 
There are certainly a few I think would be really good.
Gears of War
Call of Duty 4
Open TTD
Unreal Tournament 3
Enemy Territory Quake Wars
Rainbow 6 Vegas
Team Fortress 2 (obviously)
All of these games have either proved to be great Multiplayer games or their predecessors have.
Anyone got any thoughts on those games, or any others you can think of ?
(Leave out things like UT2004, AirBuccaneers, Savage etc, lets think of new ones either just recently out or older ones we havnt played before)
The F.E.A.R Multiplayer is completely free nowadays. Grab it here. Tis really cracking good fun.
There are certainly a few I think would be really good.
Gears of War
Call of Duty 4
Open TTD
Unreal Tournament 3
Enemy Territory Quake Wars
Rainbow 6 Vegas
Team Fortress 2 (obviously)
All of these games have either proved to be great Multiplayer games or their predecessors have.
Anyone got any thoughts on those games, or any others you can think of ?
(Leave out things like UT2004, AirBuccaneers, Savage etc, lets think of new ones either just recently out or older ones we havnt played before)
The F.E.A.R Multiplayer is completely free nowadays. Grab it here. Tis really cracking good fun.