I did have COD2 on the 360 but I sold it when my 360 broke down. Il try to hunt down my COD1 disks and key.
Never liked Guild Wars that much tbh
UT2004 I like but suck much at it
Flatout 2 I got it but never got round to installing or playing it. That is defo going to change soon though.
I HATE BF2 so much. There is no excuse for the dire gameplay and even with 4 patches EA still have failed to sort some of the fundimental problems with the game.
CSS and 1.6. i dont mind. I play i quite a lot although I can never give myself a skill rating. Sometimes il get 10:1 and sometimes 1:10
I like DoD 1.3 and Source, love them so much
HLDM and HL2DM I like but never got realy into playing them seriously.
TMNations kicks ass
Garys mod is hillarious
Zero Hour is just awesome
Hopefully at BL4 a load of you guys will turn up with Company of Heroes. It is without a doubt the most awesome game I have bought all year.
Chaos Theory - Been replaying that to fill the time before Double Agent. And the multiplayer of it totally owns. Il be taking 3 copies with me to BL4 so hopefully someone who hasnt played it before can install it and join in.
And I hate WoW but not because of the game. I did have my brothers free 30 day account when he registered the account, when the 30 days expired I had my credit card all ready to sign up and pay and keep playing, when I find out I need to buy a copy of the game. Which is just greedy and selfish on blizzards behalf so I decided to refuse to play it.
Never got into Q4 because I always get totally pwned
Halo - I swear to god I will kick anyones ass on a Halo1 XBOX lan
Starcraft - Lets relive a classic