Getting more people here!


someone pmed me on asking me about it, rather random, i have now created a thread and in about 10 mins i have 3 more people interested already ... wish i had done this sooner, im trying my lil bum off to try get as many more folk to come as i can. we can get this to at least 20!
any more ideas? got in touch with aberdeen/rgu gamers?

Deep Blue

Staff member
someone pmed me on asking me about it, rather random, i have now created a thread and in about 10 mins i have 3 more people interested already ... wish i had done this sooner, im trying my lil bum off to try get as many more folk to come as i can. we can get this to at least 20!
any more ideas? got in touch with aberdeen/rgu gamers?

Afaik the RGU gaming website disappeared, I saw the chap in town the other day but was in a rush so couldn't stop. The Aberdeen U guys know about us as we spam their forums frequently :)

So far it's looking like not a bad crowd however the big one, the bank holiday lan is still to come :cool:


i spoke to mr president of rgu gaming, hes passing the message on at their weekly meeting on wednesday :D


New Member
I met a few people last night who are interested in lans but i was kinda too drunk and too tired to even bother to ask them to come to breachlan :(


New Member
AU knows, but we probably won't have many, if at all any, members this time. Hell, we need our members to actually return to our own meetups.

I promise to big up BreachLAN when the Freshers come next semester.

Personally, time is inconvenient for me. Have fun though, guys.
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