This is largely the plan. Everybody who has been to a breachlan should already have access to everything other than the secure store. Myself and ZeroG at the minute are the only two with access there but I see no reason why that could not be extended to Breachlan staff and trusted regulars.
With regards to a VP, we have ZeroG. He is on exactly the same access as me so while I am away he should be able to sort you out with anything you need.
I intend to talk to ZeroG soon about sorting out management for combat ops, and industrial ops. Basically, we would recruit two players (from our current list of Breachlan friends / staff). One to be management for combat ops (PVE, PVP) and management for Industrial ops (Mining, Manufacture and Trade)
These guys would be resposible for specialising in their area. They would be responsibile for keeping their respective departments stocked up with equipment, training new members, training skills which will allow them to be effective fleet commanders within their area. They would have access to their own corp wallet and full access to the Secure Store. They would
report directly to myself and ZeroG. Co-incidentally, I happen to be in a car with ZeroG for 7 hours on Thursday

where I intended to put my ideas forward to him.
I also plan on speaking to ZeroG about creating basically 5 levels
1. CEO
2. Directors
3. Specialist Management
4. Regular Members (Attended a Breachlan)
5. Recruits (Not yet attended a Breachlan)
This should keep our command structure nice and simple at least for another few months until everybody has some experiance
and we can start handing out greater responsibilities to those who would like to take them on.
In the meantime though if you need any access or parts from the Secure Store then ZeroG is the man you want to speak to.